Virtual Master wrote:

Of course this is just my private opinion, and of course valve did a good
job with half-life itself - it's just how they handle some things,
unfortunately it's the really important things imho.

Yepp I fully agree. Valve are apparently firm belivers of the "security
through obscurity" concept. I guess someone needs to tell them that
doesn't really work IRL...

And on that note I'm off to reformat the HD and do a compleate reinstall
of my entire HLDS serverbox ...
Unfortunately I left home for a week just before the security bug hit
this maillist and now going through the mails here I went and checked my
Well it's behaving quite "funny", eg trying tabcompleation as in the
HLDS dir as the HLDS user I'm getting the filelistings from /usr/bin ...
Pretty sure the root havn't been compromized though, but I'd rather be
100% sure then 99% sure and thus format C it is. :(

So I guess I have to say, thanks a bunch Valve, I didn't have anything
better to do in the next day or so anyway... please keep up this
wonderfull security policy you are implementing... I'm sure HL2 is going
to be a huge success if you keep this up.


Software never has bugs. It just develops random features. =)

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