Daniel Stroven wrote:
Thats why an estimated 50% of all windows machines around the world got
bitchsmacked the other day.

50% of all Windows machines are running WinXP? Wow...

Ever hear of anti-virus for linux? lol Ever
hear about how poor security on linux is on the news?, while they talk about
some virus/worm/ddos that took place against win32 boxes.

Would it make much sense to write a virus, trojan, or worm that affectes a tiny fraction of the computers in the world? Of course not. Are exploits discovered, written, and released all the time for both OS families? Of course.

Win32 is a good generic OS for people who either
A.)Don't know shit about computers.

That's an insanely dumb statement. "about computers" alone could mean one of about 190340293582342 different things. Linux is actually fine here, too, as long as someone else sets it up for them.

B.)Know enough to get by.

To get by with what? A Caterpillar earth mover may not be the right tool for the job of planting a tomato plant in the garden.

C.)Want to get hacked.

Does anyone "want to get hacked", really? Or are you just being facetious?

D.)Want to update every other day.

Security holes are being found in many Linux programs (and the OS itself) all the time, and if you're not patching your shit, you're going to be up a creek without a paddle. As a network admin, I fear an open, rooted linux box far more than some doofus planting a trojan in a Win32 box.

E.)Love to reboot as often as possible.

Is that really that big a deal? Or is your uptime stat similar to your forum post count and ficticious penis size, in that you think the larger it is, the more attractive you are to the opposite sex? Same sex?

F.)Don't like penguins.

Nonsensical, sir :P

G.) Like to be able to deal with standardized environments which 90% of
the rest of the world uses (doesn't make the standard "perfect" or even
"better", mind you).

H.) Prefer not to have to re-train the entire staff, many of whom have a
hard time creating a one-page Word document.

I.) Prefer stock not to plummet.

J.) Prefer to support clients and customers on the OS's they choose to run.

K.) Have better things to do than be "ub3r-l33t".

Neither Win2k nor XP are champions of security.  Neither is an
unattended, unpatched, unhardened linux box (the equivalent of the vast
majority of Win32 boxes out there).  Hell, the ftp.gnu.org box, of all
things, was rooted in March, and they not only didn't prevent it, but
they didn't even KNOW about it and fix it till early this month.  Most
Win32 boxes are run by ordinary individuals, while most Linux boxes are
run by IT/software pros and script kiddies.  You can't expect a
community of basic-level individuals to maintain the same standards--or
even know how--that an IT veteran would.

Is Linux perfect and *the* choice for all situations involving
computational machines?  No.  Is any version of Windows?  Of course not.

If you want to start Yet Another OS Flame War, why don't you work a lit
match down into your pants?

Eric (the Deacon remix)

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