If you want to continue with your pissing match, please go to usenet or take
it offline.
If you can act as the professionals that you claim to be then by all means

At times you have each made valid contributions to this list and I hope that
you can continue to do so.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel Stroven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 5:24 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] The CPU usage issue.. what should I go with: Linux
or Win32?

> On the contrary, from your first email to your last, the one thing they
> have in common is......attitude.    Go back through my archives of the
> How many issues have you posted on?  How many people have you helped?  How
> much information have you given to the list or other admins?  Anyone can
> check themselves.
> As far as more of your "scathing" comments.
> >I'm an IT
> >professional with years of hosting industry experience.
> IT Professional, ROFL..how many are there out there? millions? lol
> exaggerated but damn near.  Myself, I learned by trial and error.  I build
> my own servers as well, and I have been online in business since 98.  Not
> going anywhere.
> >Actually, you're the one wasting time on this list, with >your constant
> carping and attacks on other list members
> What list members have I attacked other than you, even then my post was in
> defence of the users and myself on this list, it was not an unwarranted
> response to you.  What carping are you referring too?  I see lots of cpu
> info, numbers and testing...but I don't see what you are referring to.
> >All information on this list is valuable,
> >if you have the brains to understand and interpret it >correctly
> What information have I not understood or could not interpret correctly?
> have posted more test results to this list in a day, than all your posts
> combined.  What about all the other emails, did you fail to comprehend the
> results or was the output not in the proper format for you?  Matt Heler
> does the actual kernel work on my machines, is a member of this list.  Are
> you saying he is not smart enough to test properly or understand the
> posted to the list?  I would wager he is at the very least as competent as
> ANY on this list.
> >Thsi might come as a shock to you, but you're not the >only experienced
> sysadmin
> Find any email I ever sent stating that, or anything remotely close to
> Again, instead of sending anything useful to the list, you resort back to
> trying to cut people down.
> >You're lucky that I have the good grace and restraint >not to rip on you
> the way
> >you rip on me.
> Oh, I so honored that you do not render me asunder with your vast and
> limitless intelligence.  Truly this mere mortal is thankful.
> >It's called having class, and no amount of bile that you >spew will ever
> give you an ounce of it.
> If you believe the way you talk to people is classy.  I am glad to have no
> class.  You have been rude and mean spirited since your first post.  Post
> results and help or stfu and troll.
> >It's funny, we were going to expand our hosting >operations but weren't
> sure if the market is right for it.
> You server is 690 miles approximately from me. FL to NC.  My servers are
> 1145 miles from me.  FL to NJ.  I icmp ping my boxes at 50ms or less.  I
> icmp ping your boxes at 65ms or higher.  Not a good sign.  Keep loading 6
> player servers on those single p4's.  See how long you keep your clients.
> >However, now that I know that people such as
> >yourself are running some of the big gaming server >hosting services, I'm
> >absolutely sure that we can take your money.
> That is just plain ignorance and assumption.  I run one of the oldest cs
> gaming communities..but I am not one of the large rental companies.  I
> maintain a set number of clients.  Mostly renters over the age of 25, and
> those interested in good running servers for long periods of time.  Anyone
> else wants to deal with clans or kids renting, they can have them.  I keep
> no more than 15 clients, though prefer around 10.   Most of the stuff, I
> sponsor out.  #GBL shoutcasts, IRCD server for gamesnet, gameserver and
> server hosting for wickednet.org.   I didn't see you in #steam or
> #steam-hangout or #steam-serveradmins or broadcasting to 950+ listeners on
> shoutcast doing support for users and serverops when steam was released.
> Not only was I working and helping for all that..where do you think the
> bandwidth came from for all those users?  I support and help the CS
> community alot, both the players and the admins.  If I was bitching about
> something, at least I earned the right to do the bitching.
> This is my last reply to you whatsoever on this list.  Your arrogant and
> overbearing and I am on this list for a reason, and that reason is not to
> entertain the other readers or piss them off with all this garbage.
> I apologize to the list and valve concerning this garbage.
> dan
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "bad ping" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 2:38 PM
> Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] The CPU usage issue.. what should I go with:
> or Win32?
> > ----snip----
> > > It appears you use out-of-the-box kernel and configuration.
> > > this is what blast or inflow sponsored/donated/rented to you.
> > ----snip----
> >
> > We pay our own way, the sponsorship is only a discount.  I consult for
> them,
> > they cut us a deal.
> >
> > Actually, Daniel, I selected the box components and built that machine
> myself,
> > installed Slack myself, compiled the kernel with P4 and highmem
> optimisations
> > myself, and even bolted it into the rack at the datacenter. We own that
> box and
> > several others around the country lock, stock and barrel.  We only do it
> for
> > fun and pocket change, but I'm dead serious about my admin work.
> >
> > Thsi might come as a shock to you, but you're not the only experienced
> sysadmin
> > (I am giving you the benefit of the doubt here) on this list.  I'm not
> some
> > 16-year old kid who talked mom and dad into renting me a CS server.  I'm
> an IT
> > professional with years of hosting industry experience.
> >
> > Actually, you're the one wasting time on this list, with your constant
> carping
> > and attacks on other list members.  All information on this list is
> valuable,
> > if you have the brains to understand and interpret it correctly...
> >
> > You're lucky that I have the good grace and restraint not to rip on you
> the way
> > you rip on me.  It's called having class, and no amount of bile that you
> spew
> > will ever give you an ounce of it.
> >
> > It's funny, we were going to expand our hosting operations but weren't
> sure if
> > the market is right for it.  However, now that I know that people such
> > yourself are running some of the big gaming server hosting services, I'm
> > absolutely sure that we can take your money.
> >
> > It's the candy, and you are most _certainly_ the baby.
> >
> > Cheers!
> >
> > -BP
> >
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