"OK, I'm done. Sorry for polluting the list further with my additions,
but I couldn't resist. We haven't had a true nut bar on the list for at
least six months." - same reason as this guy :-)

Kept me amused for a while earlier today :-D

Thanks Brett!

Chris Adams

Fragzz Network
=== fragzzPanel v2.0 Tour: http://cp.fragzz.com/tour !! ===

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brett Fernicola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 5:35 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] [Totally-OT] Nothing to do with License fees for
LAN gaming centres at all

Bro you dont even live in this country so why do you care.  I lived in
England for 3 months and your roads are much better then ours.  Except for
the driving on the left side of the road thing is just plain dumb and I
could never get used to.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] [Totally-OT] Nothing to do with License fees for
LAN gaming centres at all

"you either got lucky or live in a rich town."
No I live in a small country village where the nearest town is half an hour
away, in North Yorkshire moors.
The only place I've been with bad roads that I can remember vividly is
Sheffield, my home city, but that's Sheffield lol.

"poverty in this country"
The country with the highest GNP and daily food intake per capita? For the
food intake, there must be a lot of people eating their own weight each day
to account for "poverty" conditions.

"Nothing, but it's to show you all that I am not some punk kid running a
server in daddy's basement, on daddy's dsl line.  I have a reputation and
thousands of clients which adds to validity of what I say."
You mean you're doing the childish
-yours-and-therefore-i'm-better-than-you" thing?

I'm getting a little bored of this now.

Chris Adams

Fragzz Network
=== fragzzPanel v2.0 Tour: http://cp.fragzz.com/tour !! ===

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brett Fernicola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] [Totally-OT] Nothing to do with License fees for
LAN gaming centres at all

"Just got home now so... 2 mins ago? (I'm English)"
you either got lucky or live in a rich town.

When's the last time you've been to Central High in Newark NJ
My point exactly you have no idea of the poverty in this country and lack of
education as a hole.

I built the entire It structure for a police department
"And what relevance does this have to your insecurity?"

Nothing, but it's to show you all that I am not some punk kid running a
server in daddy's basement, on daddy's dsl line.  I have a reputation and
thousands of clients which adds to validity of what I say.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] [Totally-OT] Nothing to do with License fees for
LAN gaming centres at all

"Whens the last time you drove down a road without hitting 20 potholes."
Just got home now so... 2 mins ago? (I'm English)

"Whens the last time youve been to Central High in Newark NJ"

"I built the entire It structure for a police department"
And what relevance does this have to your insecurity?

Chris Adams

Fragzz Network
=== fragzzPanel v2.0 Tour: http://cp.fragzz.com/tour !! ===

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brett Fernicola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 2:49 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] [Totally-OT] Nothing to do with License fees for
LAN gaming centres at all

--Right and like the government can afford to pay all these people to keep
tabs on all of the USA's email :-)
Surely they have better things to do... Like improving schools and public

Were talking about the same government that spends 1.3 Mill on one tomahawk
missle right, I thought so.  Whens the last time you drove down a road with
out hitting 20 potholes.  Whens the last time youve been to Central High in
Newark NJ, where they still dont have a decent pc, or even books for the
matter.  I built the entire It structure for a police department.  You
wouldnt believe the budget they gave me to spend on servers and
workstations, and every 5 minutes they were asking me for bootleg software
so they could save a buck.

Im not paranoid at all, I just like to find out the truth, and the truth
hurts; and thats why so many people turn a death ear to it.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 7:20 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] [Totally-OT] Nothing to do with License fees for
LAN gaming centres at all

---- "My IT Professor worked for both the NSA, and the FBI, and he fully
agrees that Do Not Call if a form of Big Brother.  It is this kinda
technology that allows big brother to come into existence.  The government
will be seeing every phone number coming in and out of your house"

Your IT Professor is now sectioned under the Mental Health Act?

---- "that the next government project is a Do not spam service so that they
can keep tabs on all email"

Right and like the government can afford to pay all these people to keep
tabs on all of the USA's email :-)
Surely they have better things to do... Like improving schools and public

---- "This school has all the materials to contruct a working A bomb big
enough to blow up the entire East Cost and then some."

That's nice. My garden has all the materials needed to hit everyone on the
East Coast round the head with a stick. Talk about that for a weapon of mass

---- "I bet you all believe in Jesus Christ too, the worlds best scam artist
to date."

I'd say religion is better than insecurity and paranoia :-)

----"but the day USA turns into Great Britian and Russia; the 2 most heavily
spied on communities"

I've not seen any suspicious-looking vans parked outside my quiet country
home in North Yorkshire recently....

And drifting back onto the topic of the list, has anyone else given the
latest kernel test a go? Some Intel results would be great :-)

Chris Adams

Fragzz Network
=== fragzzPanel v2.0 Tour: http://cp.fragzz.com/tour !! ===

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brett Fernicola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 3:03 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] License fees for LAN gaming centres

First off if you don't think the Do Not Call service is not a step towards
big brother then you got your eyes closed.  My IT Professor worked for both
the NSA, and the FBI, and he fully agrees that Do Not Call if a form of Big
Brother.  It is this kinda technology that allows big brother to come into
existence.  The government will be seeing every phone number coming in and
out of your house, and from there will be able to red flag suspects and tap
their phones.  This technology will be utilized to stop terrorism in the US,
but projects like this will never be made public, because its illegal and
wrong.  Why do you think this passed so quickly through congress.  Go talk
to people who are high up in the government and you will learn some scary
shit.  I'm fortunate to have a good teacher who saw first hand the things
being down behind our back.  He too neglected to sign up for the same
reasons and during the lecture he took a poll to see how many of the
students in class signed up for this service or was planning to sign up.  I
was the only one out of 80 students to not raise their hand so of course he
picks me and asks why.  So I tell him I'm not about to support big brother,
and let the government into my home.  He applauded me and told me I was 100%
correct and that the next government project is a Do not spam service so
that they can keep tabs on all email.  So wake up and smell the coffee.  I
for one am sick of the government and its sloppy ways.  They waste money and
hide behind its power.  Clinton would be in Jail right now if I were
president he ruined the country and sold all are technology to the Chinese.

Do you really think the president has any clue about military prodjects that
were started years ago.  There are some aspects of the military that are
totaly self organized.  Take area 51 for example.  You cant even get within
a few miles of their perimiter without getting your ass shot.  Theres
assests of the military that know one asks about or has the guts to ask.
Here at NJIT we get 250 mill in military grants for developing nuclear
technology.  We got feds and military all over the place on a constant
basis.  A friend of mine in the military who graduated from school here saw
first hand the nuclear agensts we have.  This school has all the materials
to contruct a working A bomb big enough to blow up the entire East Cost and
then some.  So take your stupid ass comments to yourself and go live in your
fantasy land.  I bet you all believe in Jesus Christ too, the worlds best
scam artist to date.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin Gerry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 9:33 PM
Subject: RE: [hlds_linux] License fees for LAN gaming centres

Uhm, no, if you buy a game... You're guying a LICENSE to it. It's the same
with windows.

Otherwise it'd be completely legal to download the HL source code after
buying the game and doing whatever you want with it.

Or heck. For you to stick it on a website for users to download from...
So... Also, when'd Valve become the US government? How is making people give
you a part of what they earn off YOUR hard word government like? Further,
the DNC list isn't a step to monitoring people. It's a step at allowing
those people that're getting those phone calls to SUE the people calling
them. The government isn't going to be listening to every phone call
listening for telemarketers and suing them themselves. Geez.


To a later post... Yeah, true. They're not full all the time. But if they
don't have the money to rent 40 copies of the game on 40 computers at only
$10 a month... Then why are they in business in the first place?

Yes, $10 a month is steep. But heck. If only 15 people are in that 40
computer café all the time then that's $10,800 a month. While that's only
$400 a month for the HL licenses. Also, those are for EVERY Valve game. So
that's not bad at all. (Oh, and just 2 people per month is $4320 so I think
they're making plenty.)

But, I think if you're going to be a business then you should be aware of
the costs. I personally don't like the idea of somebody getting 'rich'(Fine,
not the correct word) off a program they just spent $13 for per computer?
Meanwhile for each of those computers they'll get that $13 back within a
couple hours per computer.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:hlds_linux-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brett Fernicola
> Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 1:51 PM
> Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] License fees for LAN gaming centres
> Ya thats BS if you pay money for a game its Freaking your property.  If I
> want to run it on a lan with other pc's that you also payed for the
> software
> then that is no ones FUCKING BUSINESS.  Go work for the government pig.
> Shit like this has to stop otherwise its BIG BROTHER time.  I dont know
> about you all but the day USA turns into Great Britian and Russia; the 2
> most heavily spied on communities is the day I leave this shit hole. You
> forget the reason we kicked Britians ass was due to tyranical ruling and
> taxation with out representation.  Now our government wants Spyation with
> out Respresentation.  I for one will not stand down to the man or the RIAA
> for the matter.  How many of you dumbasses signed up for the government
> regulated Do NOt CAll Service.  This is the first step to monitoring mass
> amounts of US citizens.  People who think this was possible before smoke
> to
> much crack, but I guarentee you the government would love to be able to
> what
> they talk about in enemy of state.  Do Not Call is the first step to this,
> next is Do Not Email etc.

~Cut for space~

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