wicked wrote:
I'm going to be running a private lan party this august and I'm trying
to figure out if I can use the new steam version of cs, or if I'm stuck
with the old 1.5.  I ran the party last year and even though steam was
out we played 1.5 because that is what our server was using. Now we are
all steam based and I'm not sure if they even have 1.5 installed.

Is there a way to play steam based cs at a lan party without internet
Can clients play steam cs without net access?
Do I need internet access at my LAN Party if we play cs 1.6?

I'm trying to find a way to get even a simple dialup for the event, so
at least we could auth and stuff, but I'd rather not have to worry about
it. Do I have to worry about it?

Ask your clients to update their steam at last 2 days before the event. Beware the Wed, VALVe loves to release updates this day. And ask them to "Exit Steam", and DO NOT "Exit and Logout".

A dial will be usefull, but can bring more troubles than help. One user
updatin' steam via dial is a thing, letting a bunch of them...

dual_bereta_r0x -- Alexandre Hautequest
ArenaNetwork Lan House & Cyber -- www.arenanetwork.com.br

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