Ok cvarlist as requested amx.cfg is listed below cvar list

CVar List
amx_default_access :        0
amx_freq_imessage :      180
amx_last_voting :        0
amx_mode        :        1
amx_nextmap     :        0, sv
amx_password_field :        0
amx_show_activity :        2
amx_time_voice  :        1
amx_timeleft    :        4, sv
amx_version     :    9.700, sv
amx_vote_answers :        1
amx_vote_delay  :       10
amx_vote_ratio  :    0.020
amx_vote_time   :       10
amx_voteban_ratio :    0.400
amx_votekick_ratio :    0.400
amx_votemap_ratio :    0.400
clan_match      :        0
clan_match_config :        0
clan_match_ff   :        1
clan_match_mapa :        0
clan_match_mapb :        0
clan_match_mode :        1
clan_match_timelimit :       15
clientport      :    27005
clockwindow     :    0.500
cm_style_hudmessages :        1
com_filewarning :        0
console         :        0, a
coop            :        0, sv
deathmatch      :        1, sv
decalfrequency  :       30
dev_serverhitbox :        0
developer       :        0
displaysoundlist :        0
edgefriction    :        2, sv
fakelag         :        0
fakeloss        :        0
fps_max         :       72, a
fps_modem       :        0, a
fun_version     :    9.800, sv
host_framerate  :        0
host_killtime   :        0
host_limitlocal :        0
host_profile    :        0
host_speeds     :        0
HostMap         :        0
hostname        :        0
hostport        :    27035
hpk_maxsize     :        4, a
ip              : 213228208
ip_clientport   :        0
ip_hostport     :        0
logsdir         :        0
lservercfgfile  :        0
mapchangecfgfile :        0
mapcyclefile    :        0
max_queries_sec :       20, sv
max_queries_sec_global :      300, sv
max_queries_window :      600, sv
meta_debug      :        0
metamod_version :    1.170, sv
motdfile        :        0
mp_alliesclasses :       -1
mp_allowspectators :        1
mp_axisclasses  :       -1
mp_chatmsg      :        1
mp_chattime     :       10
mp_clan_match   :        0, sv
mp_clan_match_warmup :        0, sv
mp_clan_ready_signal :        0, sv
mp_clan_readyrestart :        0, sv
mp_clan_respawntime :        0, sv
mp_clan_restartround :        0, sv
mp_clan_scoring :        0, sv
mp_clan_scoring_bonus_allies :       -1, sv
mp_clan_scoring_bonus_axis :       -1, sv
mp_clan_scoring_delay :       60, sv
mp_clan_scoring_values_allies :   111111, sv
mp_clan_scoring_values_axis :   111111, sv
mp_clan_showcutscenes :        1
mp_clan_timer   :       20, sv
mp_combinemglimits :        0
mp_consistency  :        1, sv
mp_deathmsg     :        1
mp_defaultteam  :        0
mp_fadetoblack  :        1, sv
mp_falldamage   :        1, sv
mp_flashlight   :        0, sv
mp_footsteps    :        1, sv
mp_forcecamera  :        1, sv
mp_forcechasecam :        1, sv
mp_friendlyfire :        1, sv
mp_limitallies30cal :        1, sv
mp_limitalliesbar :        3, sv
mp_limitalliesbazooka :       -1, sv
mp_limitalliescarbine :        4, sv
mp_limitalliesgarand :        4, sv
mp_limitalliesgreasegun :        3, sv
mp_limitalliesmortar :       -1, sv
mp_limitalliesspring :        1, sv
mp_limitalliesthompson :        3, sv
mp_limitaxisfg42 :        3, sv
mp_limitaxisfg42s :        3, sv
mp_limitaxisk43 :        4, sv
mp_limitaxiskar :        4, sv
mp_limitaxismg34 :        1, sv
mp_limitaxismg42 :        1, sv
mp_limitaxismortar :       -1, sv
mp_limitaxismp40 :        4, sv
mp_limitaxismp44 :        3, sv
mp_limitaxispschreck :       -1, sv
mp_limitaxisscopedkar :        1, sv
mp_limitbritassault :        4, sv
mp_limitbritlight :        4, sv
mp_limitbritmg  :        3, sv
mp_limitbritmortar :       -1, sv
mp_limitbritpiat :       -1, sv
mp_limitbritsniper :        1, sv
mp_log_scores   :        0
mp_log_scores_delay :       60
mp_logecho      :        1
mp_logfile      :        1, sv
mp_markerstaytime :       30
mp_nummapmarkers :        1
mp_spawnbazookas :        0
mp_teamlimit    :        2
mp_teamlist     :        0
mp_teamoverride :        1
mp_teamplay     :        0
mp_timelimit    :       30, sv
mp_tkpenalty    :        6
mp_weaponstay   :        0
multicastport   :    27025
net_address     : 213228208
net_chokeloop   :        0
net_drawslider  :        0
net_graph       :        0, a
net_graphpos    :        1, a
net_graphwidth  :      150
net_log         :        0
net_scale       :        5, a
net_showdrop    :        0
net_showpackets :        0
pausable        :        0, sv
phpua_mm_ip     :        0
phpua_mm_port   :    40035, sv
phpua_mm_udp_port :    40035
phpua_mm_version :       11, sv
phpua_port_avail :       10, sv
phpua_port_pool :       10
phpua_refresh_lag :       -1
phpua_timer_conncheck :    0.500
phpua_timer_query :        2
phpua_timer_refresh :        5
phpua_timer_server :        2
port            :    27015
rcon_password   :        0
RVS_filter      :    1.300, sv
servercfgfile   :        0
sk_12mm_bullet1 :        8
sk_12mm_bullet2 :       10
sk_12mm_bullet3 :       10
sk_9mm_bullet1  :        5
sk_9mm_bullet2  :        5
sk_9mm_bullet3  :        8
sk_9mmAR_bullet1 :        3
sk_9mmAR_bullet2 :        4
sk_9mmAR_bullet3 :        5
sk_agrunt_dmg_punch1 :       10
sk_agrunt_dmg_punch2 :       20
sk_agrunt_dmg_punch3 :       20
sk_agrunt_health1 :       60
sk_agrunt_health2 :       90
sk_agrunt_health3 :      120
sk_apache_health1 :      150
sk_apache_health2 :      250
sk_apache_health3 :      400
sk_barney_health1 :       35
sk_barney_health2 :       35
sk_barney_health3 :       35
sk_battery1     :       15
sk_battery2     :       15
sk_battery3     :       10
sk_bigmomma_dmg_blast1 :      100
sk_bigmomma_dmg_blast2 :      120
sk_bigmomma_dmg_blast3 :      160
sk_bigmomma_dmg_slash1 :       50
sk_bigmomma_dmg_slash2 :       60
sk_bigmomma_dmg_slash3 :       70
sk_bigmomma_health_factor1 :        1
sk_bigmomma_health_factor2 :    1.500
sk_bigmomma_health_factor3 :        2
sk_bigmomma_radius_blast1 :      250
sk_bigmomma_radius_blast2 :      250
sk_bigmomma_radius_blast3 :      275
sk_bullsquid_dmg_bite1 :       15
sk_bullsquid_dmg_bite2 :       25
sk_bullsquid_dmg_bite3 :       25
sk_bullsquid_dmg_spit1 :       10
sk_bullsquid_dmg_spit2 :       10
sk_bullsquid_dmg_spit3 :       15
sk_bullsquid_dmg_whip1 :       25
sk_bullsquid_dmg_whip2 :       35
sk_bullsquid_dmg_whip3 :       35
sk_bullsquid_health1 :       40
sk_bullsquid_health2 :       40
sk_bullsquid_health3 :      120
sk_controller_dmgball1 :        3
sk_controller_dmgball2 :        4
sk_controller_dmgball3 :        5
sk_controller_dmgzap1 :       15
sk_controller_dmgzap2 :       25
sk_controller_dmgzap3 :       35
sk_controller_health1 :       60
sk_controller_health2 :       60
sk_controller_health3 :      100
sk_controller_speedball1 :      650
sk_controller_speedball2 :      800
sk_controller_speedball3 :     1000
sk_gargantua_dmg_fire1 :        3
sk_gargantua_dmg_fire2 :        5
sk_gargantua_dmg_fire3 :        5
sk_gargantua_dmg_slash1 :       10
sk_gargantua_dmg_slash2 :       30
sk_gargantua_dmg_slash3 :       30
sk_gargantua_dmg_stomp1 :       50
sk_gargantua_dmg_stomp2 :      100
sk_gargantua_dmg_stomp3 :      100
sk_gargantua_health1 :      800
sk_gargantua_health2 :      800
sk_gargantua_health3 :     1000
sk_hassassin_health1 :       30
sk_hassassin_health2 :       50
sk_hassassin_health3 :       50
sk_headcrab_dmg_bite1 :        5
sk_headcrab_dmg_bite2 :       10
sk_headcrab_dmg_bite3 :       10
sk_headcrab_health1 :       10
sk_headcrab_health2 :       10
sk_headcrab_health3 :       20
sk_healthcharger1 :       50
sk_healthcharger2 :       40
sk_healthcharger3 :       25
sk_healthkit1   :       15
sk_healthkit2   :       15
sk_healthkit3   :       10
sk_hgrunt_gspeed1 :      400
sk_hgrunt_gspeed2 :      600
sk_hgrunt_gspeed3 :      800
sk_hgrunt_health1 :       50
sk_hgrunt_health2 :       50
sk_hgrunt_health3 :       80
sk_hgrunt_kick1 :        5
sk_hgrunt_kick2 :       10
sk_hgrunt_kick3 :       10
sk_hgrunt_pellets1 :        3
sk_hgrunt_pellets2 :        5
sk_hgrunt_pellets3 :        6
sk_hornet_dmg1  :        4
sk_hornet_dmg2  :        5
sk_hornet_dmg3  :        8
sk_houndeye_dmg_blast1 :       10
sk_houndeye_dmg_blast2 :       15
sk_houndeye_dmg_blast3 :       15
sk_houndeye_health1 :       20
sk_houndeye_health2 :       20
sk_houndeye_health3 :       30
sk_ichthyosaur_health1 :      200
sk_ichthyosaur_health2 :      200
sk_ichthyosaur_health3 :      400
sk_ichthyosaur_shake1 :       20
sk_ichthyosaur_shake2 :       35
sk_ichthyosaur_shake3 :       50
sk_islave_dmg_claw1 :        8
sk_islave_dmg_claw2 :       10
sk_islave_dmg_claw3 :       10
sk_islave_dmg_clawrake1 :       25
sk_islave_dmg_clawrake2 :       25
sk_islave_dmg_clawrake3 :       25
sk_islave_dmg_zap1 :       10
sk_islave_dmg_zap2 :       10
sk_islave_dmg_zap3 :       15
sk_islave_health1 :       30
sk_islave_health2 :       30
sk_islave_health3 :       60
sk_leech_dmg_bite1 :        2
sk_leech_dmg_bite2 :        2
sk_leech_dmg_bite3 :        2
sk_leech_health1 :        2
sk_leech_health2 :        2
sk_leech_health3 :        2
sk_miniturret_health1 :       40
sk_miniturret_health2 :       40
sk_miniturret_health3 :       50
sk_monster_arm1 :        1
sk_monster_arm2 :        1
sk_monster_arm3 :        1
sk_monster_chest1 :        1
sk_monster_chest2 :        1
sk_monster_chest3 :        1
sk_monster_head1 :        3
sk_monster_head2 :        3
sk_monster_head3 :        3
sk_monster_leg1 :        1
sk_monster_leg2 :        1
sk_monster_leg3 :        1
sk_monster_stomach1 :        1
sk_monster_stomach2 :        1
sk_monster_stomach3 :        1
sk_nihilanth_health1 :      800
sk_nihilanth_health2 :      800
sk_nihilanth_health3 :     1000
sk_nihilanth_zap1 :       30
sk_nihilanth_zap2 :       30
sk_nihilanth_zap3 :       50
sk_player_arm1  :        1
sk_player_arm2  :        1
sk_player_arm3  :        1
sk_player_chest1 :        1
sk_player_chest2 :        1
sk_player_chest3 :        1
sk_player_head1 :        3
sk_player_head2 :        3
sk_player_head3 :        3
sk_player_leg1  :        1
sk_player_leg2  :        1
sk_player_leg3  :        1
sk_player_stomach1 :        1
sk_player_stomach2 :        1
sk_player_stomach3 :        1
sk_plr_357_bullet1 :       40
sk_plr_357_bullet2 :       40
sk_plr_357_bullet3 :       40
sk_plr_9mm_bullet1 :        8
sk_plr_9mm_bullet2 :        8
sk_plr_9mm_bullet3 :        8
sk_plr_9mmAR_bullet1 :        5
sk_plr_9mmAR_bullet2 :        5
sk_plr_9mmAR_bullet3 :        5
sk_plr_9mmAR_grenade1 :      100
sk_plr_9mmAR_grenade2 :      100
sk_plr_9mmAR_grenade3 :      100
sk_plr_buckshot1 :        5
sk_plr_buckshot2 :        5
sk_plr_buckshot3 :        5
sk_plr_crowbar1 :       10
sk_plr_crowbar2 :       10
sk_plr_crowbar3 :       10
sk_plr_egon_narrow1 :        6
sk_plr_egon_narrow2 :        6
sk_plr_egon_narrow3 :        6
sk_plr_egon_wide1 :       14
sk_plr_egon_wide2 :       14
sk_plr_egon_wide3 :       14
sk_plr_gauss1   :       20
sk_plr_gauss2   :       20
sk_plr_gauss3   :       20
sk_plr_hand_grenade1 :      100
sk_plr_hand_grenade2 :      100
sk_plr_hand_grenade3 :      100
sk_plr_rpg1     :      100
sk_plr_rpg2     :      100
sk_plr_rpg3     :      100
sk_plr_satchel1 :      150
sk_plr_satchel2 :      150
sk_plr_satchel3 :      150
sk_plr_tripmine1 :      150
sk_plr_tripmine2 :      150
sk_plr_tripmine3 :      150
sk_plr_xbow_bolt_client1 :       10
sk_plr_xbow_bolt_client2 :       10
sk_plr_xbow_bolt_client3 :       10
sk_plr_xbow_bolt_monster1 :       50
sk_plr_xbow_bolt_monster2 :       50
sk_plr_xbow_bolt_monster3 :       50
sk_scientist_heal1 :       25
sk_scientist_heal2 :       25
sk_scientist_heal3 :       25
sk_scientist_health1 :       20
sk_scientist_health2 :       20
sk_scientist_health3 :       20
sk_sentry_health1 :       40
sk_sentry_health2 :       40
sk_sentry_health3 :       50
sk_snark_dmg_bite1 :       10
sk_snark_dmg_bite2 :       10
sk_snark_dmg_bite3 :       10
sk_snark_dmg_pop1 :        5
sk_snark_dmg_pop2 :        5
sk_snark_dmg_pop3 :        5
sk_snark_health1 :        2
sk_snark_health2 :        2
sk_snark_health3 :        2
sk_suitcharger1 :       75
sk_suitcharger2 :       50
sk_suitcharger3 :       35
sk_turret_health1 :       50
sk_turret_health2 :       50
sk_turret_health3 :       60
sk_zombie_dmg_both_slash1 :       25
sk_zombie_dmg_both_slash2 :       40
sk_zombie_dmg_both_slash3 :       40
sk_zombie_dmg_one_slash1 :       10
sk_zombie_dmg_one_slash2 :       20
sk_zombie_dmg_one_slash3 :       20
sk_zombie_health1 :       50
sk_zombie_health2 :       50
sk_zombie_health3 :      100
skill           :        1
suitvolume      :    0.250, a
sv_accelerate   :       10, sv
sv_aim          :        0, a, sv
sv_airaccelerate :       10, sv
sv_airmove      :        1, sv
sv_allowdownload :        1
sv_allowupload  :        1, sv
sv_alltalk      :        0, sv
sv_bounce       :        1, sv
sv_cheats       :        0, sv
sv_clienttrace  :    3.500, sv
sv_clipmode     :        0, sv
sv_contact      :        0, sv
sv_downloadurl  :        0
sv_failuretime  :    0.500
sv_filetransfercompression :        1
sv_filterban    :        1
sv_friction     :        4, sv
sv_gravity      :      800, sv
sv_instancedbaseline :        1
sv_lan          :        0
sv_lan_rate     :    20000
sv_log_onefile  :        0
sv_log_singleplayer :        0
sv_logbans      :        0
sv_logblocks    :        0, sv
sv_logrelay     :        0
sv_maxrate      :    25000, sv
sv_maxspeed     :      500, sv
sv_maxunlag     :    0.500
sv_maxupdaterate :       30
sv_maxvelocity  :     2000
sv_minrate      :     2000, sv
sv_minupdaterate :       10
sv_newunit      :        0
sv_outofdatetime :     1800
sv_password     :        0, sv
sv_proxies      :        1, sv
sv_rcon_banpenalty :        0
sv_rcon_maxfailures :       10
sv_rcon_minfailures :        5
sv_rcon_minfailuretime :       30
sv_region       :        3, sv
sv_send_logos   :        1
sv_send_resources :        1
sv_skycolor_b   :      113
sv_skycolor_g   :      157
sv_skycolor_r   :      184
sv_skyname      :        0
sv_skyvec_x     :    0.848
sv_skyvec_y     :   -0.530
sv_skyvec_z     :        0
sv_spectatormaxspeed :      500
sv_stats        :        1
sv_stepsize     :       18, sv
sv_stopspeed    :      100, sv
sv_timeout      :       60
sv_unlag        :        1
sv_unlagpush    :        0
sv_unlagsamples :        1
sv_version      :  112.500
sv_visiblemaxplayers :       -1
sv_voicecodec   :        0
sv_voiceenable  :        1, a, sv
sv_voicequality :        3
sv_wateraccelerate :       10, sv
sv_wateramp     :        0
sv_waterfriction :        1, sv
sv_zmax         :     7000
sys_ticrate     :      200
violence_ablood :        1
violence_agibs  :        1
violence_hblood :        1
violence_hgibs  :        1
voice_inputfromfile :        0
voice_recordtofile :        0
voice_serverdebug :        0
w_version       :    0.470, sv
488 Total CVars


// AMX Configuration File
echo Executing AMX Configuration File

// Default access for all non admin players (see users.ini for access
amx_default_access ""

// Name of setinfo which should store a password on a client
// (Example: setinfo _pw "password")
amx_password_field "_pw"

// Mode of logging to a server
// 0 - disable logging, players won't be checked (and access won't be set)
// 1 - normal mode which obey flags set in accounts
// 2 - kick all players not on list
amx_mode 1

// Show admins activity
// 0 - disabled
// 1 - show without admin name
// 2 - show with name
amx_show_activity 2

// Frequency in seconds and text of scrolling message
amx_scrollmsg "{tBs}Are Recruiting Visit {tBs} @ www.tbs-thebutchers.co.uk
[OwP]" 300

// Center typed colored messages (last parameter is a color in RRRGGGBBB
amx_imessage "Visit {tBs} @ www.tbs-thebutchers.co.uk [OwP]" "000255100"

// Frequency in seconds of colored messages
amx_freq_imessage 180

// Set in seconds how fast players can chat (chat-flood protection)
amx_flood_time 0.75

// Amount of reserved slots (for more details see comments in a plugin
// removed 14/4/04 amx_reservation 2

// Displaying of time remaining
// a - display white text on bottom
// b - use voice
// c - don't add "remaining" (only in voice)
// d - don't add "hours/minutes/seconds" (only in voice)
// e - show/speak if current time is less than this set in parameter
amx_time_display "ab 1200" "ab 600" "ab 300" "ab 180" "ab 60" "bcde 11"

// Announce "say thetime" and "say timeleft" with voice
amx_time_voice 1

// Minimum delay in seconds between two voting sessions
amx_vote_delay 10

// How long voting session goes on
amx_vote_time 10

// Display who votes for what option
amx_vote_answers 1

// Some ratios for voting success
amx_votekick_ratio 0.40
amx_voteban_ratio 0.40
amx_votemap_ratio 0.40
amx_vote_ratio 0.02

// Max. time to which map can be extended
amx_extendmap_max 90

// Step for each extending
amx_extendmap_step 15

// TK Mod
amx_tk_limit 5
amx_tk_bantime 1440
amx_tk_adminimmunity 1
amx_tk_forgivetype 2
amx_tk_useeffects 1
amx_tk_usemapmemory 1
amx_tk_roundprotect 1
amx_tk_roundprotecttime 8
amx_tk_roundprotecttype 0
amx_tk_infomessages 1
amx_tk_usehostname 1

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of kkith
Sent: 20 July 2004 09:40
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] Log Files

Twister wrote:

>Dont know if this is the right place to ask, but lets try.
>We are currently running a DoD server, with metamod amd amx latest copies
>both. For some reason the server does not create any log files after 2 am
>until approx 11 am, can any one suggest why this may be happening. If you
>need any more info just ask.
Maybe because your server has no players connected at these times :)

Seriously tho...
A good idea would be to execute 'cvarlist' and let us know what some (or
all) of the cvars (e.g. logdetail) are set to.

Also, posting amx.cfg would be helpful.

Do you have any cron jobs?  If so, post the scripts (if relevant).

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