InspectorGifts wrote:

hmm, anyone know how to fix the ip issue? Im still somewhat newb
to linux and rent a box, all my ip addresses are added in ifcfg-eth0,
ifcfg-eth0:0, and so on.  How would i make it so cs source picks up one of
those ips without the +ip???  Would adding the main ip to the host file
solve it without disrupting my connection to server??  do I need the line in the host file??

Im lost on this one...


WARNING: I'm totally zonked out right now. Take everything I say with a grain of salt. That said: Yes, you need to have a properly configured host file.

And now for the SHOCKING TRUTH!!!!111one
The Source DS is currently quite stupid. It binds itself to ALL
udp        0      0 *:27015                 *:*
udp        0      0 *:27020                 *:*
udp        0      0 *:27005                 *:*
Which isn't the proper behavior when you're tring to set the IP
but it works if you're only modifying the port (which does work,
as "-port 65536". Oh, and thanks for fixing the yelling and
screaming that the DS gave up when the socket was currently in
use. I like the new solution you have where it increments the
port when it's in use). My question is, WHY is there now a TCP
socket listening on the serve?
tcp        0      0 [my_edited_hostname]:27015 *:*
       LISTEN      25302/srcds_i486
What is the purpose of this? And note that this binds to
whatever is on the IP of eth0...
Alfred, you're the man to answer this. But are you man enough to
be awake at this hour?


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