hondaman wrote:
Well, wont that block everyone else out?  I want people to play on my
servers, but I also would like a chance to play as well

AgentHH wrote:

hondaman wrote:

Yes.  Please help!  Cant get on my own damn servers!!!

Michael McKoy wrote:

Does sv_password work at all, or was the cvar name changed? I'd really
to password my servers, seeing as my community can't get in at all.
updating, the server was full, 26 slots, within 2 seconds. So I made a
second on port 27016.. Full in 2 seconds.

I'd like to lock the server down so my folks have a chance to play :

You're using Linux 2.4.20+ / 2.6.x, right? IPTables is your friend. Create a rule to allow traffic from your IP alone to the Source DS port, and then create a blanket deny after that, as such: "iptables -A INPUT -p udp -s --dport 27015 -j ACCEPT" "iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 27015 -j DROP" Make sure to replace with your IP and 27015 with the port for your dedicated. And be sure the accept rule comes before the deny. Works for me, yes yes it does.


Do that at first. Join your server, then remove the rule. That's done using "iptables -D INPUT [...]", basically mirroring the previous command. Then others can join as well.


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