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mm, your English is a little hard to understand (no offence, I can't
speak any other languages so if I wrote a letter to a french list it'd
be far worse :P) so I'm going to try to re-word it, so it's a bit easier
to understand.

I visited the product (GameCP) website and I am very interested in it -
at the moment I use the plesk(wtf?) Control Panel for (something) and
this seems like an interesting alternative for gamehosting.
What I'd like is a (quote?) for 20 machines with 7 processes (servers,
etc) running on each one, a method to charge money (and I think he's
asking for some way to control the payment methods properly; ie:
dividing it between accounts, applying discounts/extra charges via
fractions/percentages or similar)
I have come across the following problems while viewing the website
(GameCP.com) and browsing through it's demo site:
- (nfi - someone sent their username/pass to him to check it out?) User
demo login is not functioning (incorrect password).
- There is insufficient information present on the page to clearly show
how to manage the creation and removal of clients and slave machines.
- Seems to be some issues with user termination and apparently doesn't
show the date of cancellation if the user doesn't activate something
within 30 days?

I find these things issues as I have not got any existing administrative
aids or experience in managing game servers so they worry me.


well, I think that's what he was trying to say.  Sort of.  I dunno,
maybe someone who's half french could do a better job there, I'm not
entirely sure about a few things so I can't help him out.

Recommendation to take this to a private email conversation if it's
moving more towards you purchasing something from them, no particular
reason to do so other then privacy :p

- Bruce "Bahamut" Andrews

Khnightazul wrote:

     And visited the Web of its product and very I am interested, at the
moment I use the Control Panel plesk for the lodging Web and it seems to me
interesting to use his for gamehosting.
     Desire a budget for 20 maquinas with 7 processes in each one of them,
mode of payment and way to fracionar the payment in case that it is
     I have the following problems at the time of seeing its Web and demo
of the same one, him agradeceria that sent login and password to me to prove
since the Web it has errors. User demo login does not work Doubts that arise
to see the Web to me:
      1. - Not the this clear management system of pagos/cobros of the
clients and the system of activation and decontamination of accounts or
     2. - In the users there is a discharge nor date of cancellation with
which not if activating a client by a period of 30 days is possible or no
algun system of automatico mail.

     Reason why I see do not exist administrative aids nor experience in
the real management of the day to day of a company of games and that worries
to me.


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----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Stuart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 6:56 PM
Subject: [hlds_linux] Re: Web based server administration


I have too looked for something like that kind of program,
but any program hasn't matched yet to my needs.

I have also too many servers what I have and must control.

Report to me too if u found something useful :).

- Diize // Dze @ Quakenet [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Guys i know this is slighly OT

In a month or so we will be moving all or game servers on to a dedicated
hosted off site, we are considering running a few other halflife servers

We are looking to admin the servers, ie Start Stop from a web front end,


know there are programs like gamecp about, but we are looking for a low
shareware or freeware system, can anyone recommend anything, we will be
running on a linux (fedora) box.


For a one time charge of $150, GameCP.com's control panel is an
EXCELLENT solution.  www.gamecp.com

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