hehe, the free comment was amusing, but I think we all agree that this
thread has gone on farrrrrr too long.
You want to fight over the software, go do it in private emails.  We
aren't here to promote "pay" software or bag it out - you want to do
that, go to a forum somewhere =)

- Bruce "Bahamut" Andrews

GameCP.com wrote:

I am part of the small business program with Zend, so yes I do own Zend
Encoder, Studio, the License program and the optimizer. I also own every
game I test with or host, unlike many others who just download them..
Dunno what comments I've made made you think I download software illegaly
to use for my program?

To follow up on what this guy said..

You use ssh to send commands to servers... yawn. Its not
particularily innovative on the backend. On the frontend I cant say
because I havent used it.

We are innovative on the backend, nobody does anyhting like we do on almost any program, by using SSH we can easily support every distribution [even Windows using cygwin and openssh] just the same, every distro of Linux and Unix is supported by this, also by using ssh we dont require extra services installed on the game machines, made sence to me.. Plus its tons easier to manage your users as they are real system users, not some shared account like the other guys use.

GameCP is far from a hack and its not based of any other program or code
anywhere on the internet. The entire program has been in development for
over 2 years. It all started from an empty file, all new features/sections
are also either created from a empty file or based off other systems we've
created, not one bit of code is from someone elses program.

Your competition's products suck as well.. so before you go
chest-thumping I would say you have a lot of work to do. The fact that
there are only about 3 viable game control panels doesnt really excuse
them all sucking.

Who are you to judge my product and others? Have you worked a long 2 years [for free] to make something even similar? Do you really know what all is involved in creating and support a program like this? I don't think you do otherwise you wouldnt say 'they all suck' cause they don't.

Make this my last post please, don't reply with hatefull comments about a program you've never used, you don't even have the source so you have no way to tell how its programed or if its a hack.

well.. with the words you use here and some other comments from you..
one must wonder if you really bought Zend Encoder / Safeguard or if you
just "bougt" it from emule ;-)

At 02:51 15.10.2004, you wrote:


lol ya its a hack, its based of EXO.

I smell a superiority complex... troll!

Your gamecp product is a bit of a hack at best.. a damn good hack,
but a hack nonetheless.

You use ssh to send commands to servers... yawn. Its not
particularily innovative on the backend. On the frontend I cant say
because I havent used it.

Every post of yours I have seen reeks of "1 4m 13373r th4n y0u". Ho

*sigh* William, I am SOOO SORRY I ever mentioned your program on this
list.  I THOUGHT that other business owners like myself might want to
know about a GREAT program.  Instead all we get are llamas who don't
know a line of code from their ass.

*Shrug* OH well... that means less competition for me to worry about.

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------------------------ - William Bowman - GameCP Developer - www.gamecp.com - irc.gamecp.com #help

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