Ello all,
I am planning to reinstall our linux dual machine, as it pretty much runs
shit. Besides our linux dual machine we run a couple of windows servers who
actually run pretty damn good.

Anyway, i have RedHat 9.0, and the server specs:
dual amd 2800+ with 2GB of ram.

Currently there is 1 32max wc3x server on it, 1 19max priv war server, and a
32max normal cs server.

This shouldnt be a problem for the load (as the cpu's never show to top over
80%) but still for some reson it runs shitty. Weird lag spikes, but not in
high ping, but the server simply just freezing for a few ms.

The first point:
I tried to make them servers auto start if the machine reboots by putting a
script in etc/init.d/ , but this doesnt make em auto start at all.
What this script allowes me to do, is ./dumber6 start ./dumber7 start
./dumber8 start
it also allowes ./dumber 6 stop, but when i do this, it stops all servers,
and not only stops them all, they DO auto restart then (but i want the
server to fully stop then because of updating etc).

Currently i run al servers under 1 username, is it better, more easy or so
to run each server under its own username?

And does any one has a good script for starting/stopping cs servers?

The second thing is, for some weird reson, when i have +log on, it only logs
between 1.00 am and 2.00 am, and every minute it creates a 0 bite file, and
at map change just the normal file, any 1 knows whats up with this?

Also asked in a other mail, i asked if some one could explane me how to set
the kernel hz=1000 option and sys_ticrate 1000 option.
Are there any more tweaks i should know about to make it run better?

Thanks alot for your help in advanced,

Saint K.

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