Hahahaha, Mark Ellis GFY. Ownz0r3d by the Deacon remix!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric (Deacon)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 06:43 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] another crasher :(

> In a bold display of creativity, Mark Ellis wrote:
>> Eric,
>> Please read my mail and the mail I was making a reply to before quoting me
>> in your mails and making your assumptions based on an edited reply to my
>> original mail.
> Wow, that made no sense at all.  I clicked reply and top-posted.  That's
> pretty simple stuff.  The only assumption I made was that you were more
> intelligent than you clearly are.  For this, I apologize.
>> Someone said valve need "personal time" and this was their reason for valve
>> not releasing a patch for the server, the "down the beach" comment could
>> have been "at home with wife" "down the pub" or "watching footy"
> Right, so, did you completely and utterly miss the point of my
> questioning that implication that Valve employees are just lazy,
> corporate pigs who don't give two shits about you, much less their
> product?  Why would you bother to expound something that needs no
> clarification whatsoever, even a little bit?
>> because of very simple bugs that could have been picked up in a real beta
>> test or could be fixed very quickly yet still seems to take valve 3 working
>> days to fix.
> I know, right?  I mean, I for one am shocked and disappointed that Valve
> didn't release a completely perfect complex software product right out
> the door.  That it could take 3 working days to fix is utterly abhorrent.
> In reality, of course, you're the kind of trollish tool that software
> companies, businessmen, and intelligent people in general hate.  As I
> work for a prominent software company, I'm pretty much right there in
> the bullseye on these kinds of things.  If you've actually had
> experience with such things, you'd understand why 3 working days to fix
> a bug that automatically rolls out to the entire install base is pretty
> damn impressive.
>> You then go on to make further quotes from the reply of witch I was not the
>> author, perhaps you should move to a threaded mail client so you can
>> actually work out who said what and who replied to what before you have to
>> post using profanity to get your point across.
> Holy fuck.  I'm trying to figure out whether you, someone who uses
> "X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook, Build 11.0.6353", are pulling my
> leg or whether you're trolling out of sheer ignorance.  I'm not sure
> either is forgivable.  I use Thunderbird, and I have all hlds_linux
> emails dropped into a specific subfolder underneath my Inbox, and the
> emails are listed in threaded view.  What's *spectacularly* awesome is
> that it has no bearing whatsofuckingever on this inane, irrelevant,
> phantom problem you have invented.  Strictly because I'm hoping against
> hope that your arrogance stems from ignorance rather than from
> concentrated asshattery, I will remind you that I simply replied to an
> email and top-posted, eliminating ANY concern about chopped up edits.
> Here, because I'm such a nice guy, I'm including the entire block of
> quoted text from MY email so you can get the gist of it this time
> around. Once you get it, ponder how it makes no fucking difference
> either way.  If you still have problems understanding, don't bother to
> request further clarification.  Instead, end yourself.
> In a bold display of creativity, Mihai Badila wrote:
> > On Fri, Oct 22, 2004 at 09:14:50PM +0100 or thereabouts, Mark Ellis
> wrote:
> >
> >>Well we all need personal time but while Valve are down the beach I and
> many
> >>others are sitting here putting servers back up as fast as they are taken
> >>down because the smart guys at mygot release this info end of the week
> >>knowing that there will be 3-4 days before valve even start to look at a
> >>fix.
> >>
> >>We had a beta test and what a joke that was one map slow updates you
> could
> >>hardly call it a beta more just a hardware test.
> >
> >
> >  Agreed.
> >
> >
> >>Like many others I think valve is too slow at releasing these fixes, we
> all
> >>moved over to steam so they could send out lots of small fixes fast but
> from
> >>what I can see steam is just a way of them collecting more data on users
> >>than rolling out fixes.
> >
> >
> >  Steam is primary a money making machine. Its purpose is also delivering
> > patches, content etc. but think.. Steam does a hell of a job for
> Valve and
> a
> > really poor job for the little guy [valve steam product user]. And yes
> > INDEPENDENCE from Vivendi [forgot about that one].
> >
> >  I'm not against Steam but no other company has ever used such a
> method of
> > control for the money.
> >
> >  This list is about 80% filled with frustration when you read the mails.
> > Kinda makes you think cs, dod and others were doing fine back in the days
> > when they were free.
> --
> Eric (the Deacon remix)
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