Ian mu wrote:

Are you able to ping the auth servers ok? Have you left it a while to
check it wasnt just a temp auth server glitch?

Just thought I'd mention a possible bug (its a messy one anyway if not
a bug) when we had this problem on one of our servers. We typically
have servers multihomed with maybe two wan IP addresses, and one lan
IP address. We got this error and couldn't figure out what was wrong,
as the server was picking up the correct wan IP address and showed it
in the console as it started up. However when checking the actual
packets, steam was sending out packets with a source IP address of the
lan which wasn't set anywhere in the startup via net_ip etc. Naturally
steam couldn't reply to that lan address. (and yes it definitely was
set in the startup and line, and yes it definitely showed it on
startup with the correct IP). Server would come up, you could even
join it etc but then get that error.

So end result seems that although the actual game process picks up the
correct IP, steam or the steam authentication process doesn't use the
same binding. We ended up fixing it by downing the lan IP interface it
was binding to which isn't a reasonable fix (imo) and restarting the

Anyway, probably not the same problem, but thought I'd mention it as
it might help some others who have the odd similar problem and
something I think Valve need to sort out as it's not an obvious one to
troubleshoot when the process is reporting the correct IP and coming
up on it, but steam sending from the wrong IP.

That could be really the reason. We have of cause also a second
interface (LAN) for internal stuff on every box.
Let's hope that Alfred reads this and puts it on his To-Do List.
Deactivating the LAN Port can't be the final solution!

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