Eric (Deacon) dribbled out:
In a bold display of creativity, Jeremy Brooking wrote:

Expecting someone at VALVe to be able to give out an answer as
reasonable as the question was, isnt too left field for you?

How many employees does Valve have?  How many different projects?  You
demand immediate answers from someone who's never before had any direct
dealings with VAC, and you're disappointed by the response, like
everyone in the entire company knows exactly what's going on in the rest
of the company with other projects and is allowed, nay *expected* snap
to attention and answer any questions put forth by any of their millions
of customers?  I wonder where some of you get your ideas.

Immediate? Snap to attention? Umm how long have these same question been being asked? I could understand a week to answer a simple question (which his was), hell I could understand it taking them two weeks to release an answer to a question many many people are concerned with. Ok so they been busy, maybe a months acceptable... but how long have these same questions been being asked?

By the way, nice way of avoiding answering the question there.

Has it occurred to the dude to respond with a simple, "OK, thanks anyway. Do you know who I should ask instead?"

Or Aflred replying with "Theres information about it _here_" or "This is who you need contact"

I know which of these options make the more sense, and saves the most
time for all.

Most of our actual adult customers who actually *pay* for our software aren't as bad as most of y'all. Christ.

Probably because you supply the customers with the info when they request it... But I could also see how lesser communication with you could be appreciated by anyone.

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