I vote for Slackware for a new user. Nobody has mentioned it yet. It runs CS quite well, and is pretty easy for a new user to set up. Plus they are forced to learn basic commands, which helps. (if nothing else, startx and stopx are fast introductions :) This is rediculous talking about starting with Gentoo, and Debian can be scary when you dont know whats going on. BTW look at how many distros there are www.distrowatch.com, they got reviews too.

Ian mu wrote:

Sort of off topic, but not really as its relevant to the first
question asked. I'm sorry but Gentoo is just plain wrong for new
people. It takes ages, lulls you into a false sense of security that
you know more than the people that actually make specific server
installs for example (why do gentoo users think they know more than
the people who make the dists? Most I meet don't know that much beyond
following some tutorial about how to install Gentoo, and then suddenly
feel empowered because they learnt one way of doing something oO).

It's cobblers. Don't fall for it, use gentoo when you feel competent
at linux and all involved, and "then" you can make the most of it and
its a good dist, and ignore the muppets who consider the way to go is
to learn by mistakes. Thats fine on your own PC and time its a great
way to learn definitely, but not when providing a service to others.

Bottom line for me is this...would I rent a server off someone who
claimed to know gentoo? Not on your nelly. Some do yes. But there's a
hell of a lot more that don't. At least those who go for a distro set
up immediately for a server know they at least have a chance of
providing a service whilst they learn. Start from a solid ground up.

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