I've run only on Freebsd for the past 2-3 years now and have had some
different results overall.  I has issues getting the 64bit version
working with the motherboard I had and several other nightmares that are
entirely another story.  I'm currently running a quad Xeon and an AMD
2600 both running freebsd 5.2.1.  I initially used the linux_base-8 but
later switched to linux_base-rh-9 and noticed that some stability issues
had been resolved.  That might or might not be a similar issue as what
you're seeing.  What processor are you using and what motherboard?  You
might want to revert back to a previous version of FreeBSD.  I had
nothing but trouble every time I've run RC1 releases and tried to run
non-native daemons off of it.

One thing outside of the stability issues is recompiling the kernel for
srcds.  I've based all my kernel tweaks off of Avleen's guide:
http://silverwraith.com/papers/freebsd-tuning.php.  The ones that really
help (as would be expected ) are enabling polling and setting HZ.  It's
been brought up a thousand times here so I won't flog it too much more
but, do it.

Hope that helps,

Bart King wrote:

Hi all,

Now, to dig up an old subject from a couple of months ago, and in light of
recent srcds releases, I am wondering if people have had the time to find if
they've had more success with running srcds on FreeBSD 5.

For the last two months, we've been running a 64-player public server on
Linux, without fault.  But, from a management point of view, Linux doesn't
fit into our networking model as well as FreeBSD does (since all our other
servers are either FreeBSD or Solaris). So, we bought a new Opteron server
and installed FreeBSD 5.4-RC1 on it.

We rsync'd the srcds installing that's one the Linux box to the new FreeBSD
box, changed the IP so it matched the Linux box, and ran srcds again.

Now, there appear to be some stability issues with the server now (we are
running srcds_i686, don't trust the 64-bit binary :), but I'm not sure if it
is to do with srcds, but more to do with FreeBSD itself.  Srcds has crashed
four times in the last 24 hours, whereas when running on Linux it ran for
two weeks without dying.

In the past, it's been mentioned that changing linux_base to something else
has helped reduce crashing (perhaps even stop it from happening).

We are currently using linux_base-8-8.0_6, I am wondering if changing to,
say, linux_base-rh-9 would make any difference?

If anyone can shed some light, I'd be most grateful.

Bart King -- http://www.bart666.com
+44 781 219 5654 -- PGP: 0xC9C3EB8B

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