[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Guys, this is driving me nuts.  I had mentioned it some time ago but no one
had a clue.  I am still having an issue with players not being purged from
the server after they disconnect.  They are showing up as ghost players.
HLSW shows them as ? in the userlist.  The way we are getting rid of them
now is typing status in HLSW Rcon and comparing who it says is there and who
really is there.  We then kick them by Name, not Steam ID as that does not
work, but if I kick them by name they free up the slot.

SO, how do I stop this from happening?  We are running custom maps, but
still it is an issue.

The server IP is iGO - DoD:S (Custom Maps) FF=On  Im sure
if you look in HLSW you will see ?'s in the userlist.

Thanks guys

Mike Norton


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