Steven Hartland wrote:

lol its quite funny how many people dont understand the 32bit / 64bit

I understand 32 and 64 bit issues quite well, thank you very much. The
real issue is not getting a recompiled dedicated server application that
is built using existing code, it's getting a dedicated server
application that is optimized for a particular processor.

Joseph Laws wrote:

  Reduced CPU usage, reduced MEM usage, more stable server refresh rates.
  IF there was no point in 64bit, why are there 64bit versions of *nix

Reduced CPU usage, reduced memory usage and more stable server refresh
rates are going to magically come from a 64 bit version of an existing
dedicated server application recompiled into a 64 bit environment? I
don't think so, those kinds of things come from fundamental improvements
in the game server code itself.

Why are there 64 bit versions of *nix? Because there is a market for the
ability to access huge amounts of memory for certain application Why are
there 64 bit versions of Windows. Because AMD brought 64 bit computing
to the desktop to beat Intel in a market segment, and more bits is good.

I'm using Win XP Pro 64 bit on the computer from which I write this
message; I want neat toys as much as the next person. My point is the
things you want from a game server application are what Joseph mentions,
regardless of the operating system on which it runs. Moving to a 64 bit
release is not going to bring these things about without additional
development work to improve server code. That work would benefit everyone.

What I was hoping to see was some real world experience from someone
that demonstrates the claims that people are making in this thread.

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