Heya all,

I participated in the swapbeta test that Alfred had going during Valve's
move from an IPC architecture to a event-driven architecture, in hopes
of making everything perform unilaterally and cross-platform between the
hlds_l and hlds_win32 binaries.

Unfortunatly, my test set was quite hasty, and we did not test all the
possible configurations of hlds_i386 on our systems, the majority of
which being dual Intel Xeon 3.0ghz w/ HT, 2GB RAM and SCSI HDDs.

Since the release of Engine v35, we've had enough reports of 'registry'
problems that I was forced to make a backup 'last known good' copy of
hlds, just in case we had anymore trouble.

These troubles, again, seem to revolve around our pingboosted 32-bit
setups, as those without pingboost seem to have no trouble with the
newest release.

How about instead of posting a set of specs, we go one step further and
begin to propose ways to effectively prod the binaries, from not just
the server-side perspective but the player-side as well, collect reports
from players on these servers, get as much data as possible together to
bundle up and send to Alfred, for him to sift through and see if he can
find any correlations?

DISCUSS! Or I'll just force a testing structure idea on everyone that
I've been throwing around. :)

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