
What kind of 3 Ghz CPU are you using, Xeon (old) or Xeon (New with I64) or

In currently running a cs-server on linux. The metrics show here (been on
the list before:

This is a dual xeon 3ghz system the processors are bit aging...early 3ghz
models. I'm currently building a new system which holds 2 dual core
optoren 270 processors, I hope these will give enough bang for a lot of
The first month I will be testing windows vs linux performance. (I have a
partition with windows and one with debian 3.1)

I really hope Linux wins. as i find it easyer to manage :-)


> Just as a baseline cross-platform comparison, I have three servers running
> on a new Win2003 server box at a data center.
> The server is an Intel 3.0GHz HT CPU with 2GB of DDR memory.
> There is one HLDM (512 FPS, 1KHz ticrate ), one HL2DM (300fps, default
> (66?)
> ticrate) and one DOD:S server (300fps, default (66?) ticrate) with 12
> player
> slots each.  I also normally run a high-resolution timer.
> With all three servers full (34 real players), CPU utilization runs ~81%.
> VAC is enabled for all three servers.
> Turning off the high-res timer dropped the CPU utilization to ~20%.
> I'm not posting this to say that Win32 is better or worse then Linux, all
> I'm reporting
> is how the Win32 platorm is behaving with current server code (in my mind
> they
> should both be very close to each other in performance).
> qUiCkSiLvEr
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Evaldas Žilinskas"
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 10:55 PM
> Subject: [hlds_linux] Cpu usage
> Ok, I don't want to discuss about the current problem with CPUs, because
> on
> every srcds site you can see that. I would preffer to see answers. So,
> yesterday I ran a 24slot server DODs using 66tic. And when people reached
> the number of 18-20, CPU was ~90%. Is this normal? I mean, that on the
> same
> CPU and Linux I can run 2 dod1.3 servers with 32 slot and get ~60-70% CPU.
> And dod1.3 do update players 100k/s just fine, and here? You have
> 66updates/s and so high CPU usage. At the momment I'm runing 3.4GHz
> Pentium4
> (800MHz FSB etc, etc...) +2GB DDR*400 and SuSe Linux. Better MHz suggestin
> is only a 3.8 one, but I don't think that +400MHz will slow my problems.
> So I know that current SRCDS anticheat system with updates, ticrates a bit
> slow the aimboting and something like that, but from admin side of this,
> It's a pain in the ass. Because CPUs with 5GHz haven't showed yet :).
> What do the people on this list think? Maybe an other beta test would
> bring
> the things to the right side?
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