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Thanks for the stats, handy to know someone else got about that. I don't
have any none used HT setups atm to try it on without people screaming :). I
think there's a couple of things though, gameserver code may be better or
worse in how much extra you will get than prime, not really an easy way to
tell I think (I know you haven't said anything on that, just in case others

I did try it on a single cpu none ht though out of interest just to see the
behaviour (as only one we have spare to load cpu atm), and I couldn't get it
to switch out of 50/50 either, and it didn't seem to take notice of nice (in
top it even said same nice which is weird). So basically wondering if that
problem is a problem with prime rather than HT?

Is it possible for you to try it on a single cpu/virtual cpu setup and see
if its the same? Just then isolates the behaviour out of a ht system.

On 9/23/06, RĂ¼diger Meier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Friday 22 September 2006 09:36, Ian mu wrote:
> > First thing I tend to do is run something like prime95 or something
> > else that will max a virtual cpu and see what it shows.
> > [...]
> > Typically you won't get much past
> > an extra 10/15%, probably be even less with gameservers.
> I benchmarked mprime on HT and got something like
> running 1 mprime instance used 150ms per iteration (like without HT),
> running 2 mprimes instances at the same used each 270ms per iteration.
> so,
> calculating 2 iterations using one mprime instance (anyway weather HT on
> or off) takes 300ms
> calculating 2 iterations using two mprime instances on HT takes 270ms
> about 10% more throughput.
> > Main thing is not to think of each virtual processor as a full cpu,
> > even though either one can run at 100% in a sense, but not both at
> > the same time, other things are happening. It's worth doing a bit of
> > reading on hyperthreading on the net which can explain the details a
> > lot better.
> Well because It was interesting for me I did above benchmarks again
> using different nice levels for both mprime and BTW I discoverd another
> Problem which lets me think more bad about HT now:
> If you run 2 processes at the same time with different nice levels then
> the behavior is not as you would expected on a single_CPU or a
> real_multi_core!
> Here I posted that more exactly:
> http://mersenneforum.org/showthread.php?p=87769#post87769
> Dunno weather its a problem of my system (maybe someone could repeat
> such benchmark).
> For me this means that processes which are usually niced started by cron
> etc. got more bad behavior on HT as without HT and I dont see how you
> could get around this.
> So I think if you still want to use the little speed advantage of HT on
> a gameserver then you should watch more carefully your processlist and
> cron config even you didnt cared much about niced_19 processes so far.
> cu,
> Rudi
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