Before i gave up and went on to find a different provider, i would try
calling the specific binaries directly, and avoiding srcds_run

./srcds_i686 -console -game hl2mp -port 27015 +ip +map
dm_lockdown +maxplayers 2

for example.

Steven Hartland wrote:
Erik Hollensbe wrote:
To re-iterate, the problem is definitely in the srcds_run script
having trouble with the cpuinfo wanting "user mode linux" as a proper

I can help you with the fix, if you want. Just hit me up on #linode

Its more that user mode linux is not providing a good enough
emulation to support the game. If you check the output the
script does continue yet the binary itself then also fails
to detect the cpu speed for a similar reason "Unable to
determine CPU Frequency".

The conclusion is user mode linux is not suitable for what
you are trying to do. Even if the emulation was sufficient
to start the server, performance would be substandard and
you would highly likely be plaged with issues. User mode
linux is suitable for a lot of things game servers is not
one of them at this time.


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