[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
hostname "{LLC} TF2 !YeeeeHa! Server"
sv_region 1
rcon_password "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" // Enter your rcon password before the double
slashes. lol, dont even try it
// maximum client movement speed
//sv_maxspeed 320
mp_timelimit 30
mp_maxrounds 3
//sv_allowupload 1
//sv_cheats 0
//sv_alltalk 1
//sv_downloadurl "http://xxx";
//mp_startmoney 1000
//mp_friendlyfire 0
//sv_voicequality 5
//sv_voicecodec voice_speex
//nf_on 1

//New ConVars
mp_teams_unbalance_limit "2" //Teams are unbalanced when one team has this
many more players than the other team. (0 disables check)

//mp_enableroundwaittime  //Enable timers to wait between rounds.

mp_bonusroundtime "10" //Time after round win until round restarts

//mp_restartround  //If non-zero, the current round will restart in the
specified number of seconds

mp_winlimit 2 //Max number of rounds one team can win before server changes

mp_stalemate_timelimit "300"  //Timelimit (in seconds) of the stalemate

mp_autoteambalance "1"

mp_autoteambalance_delay "30" //Time after the teams become unbalanced to
attempt to switch players.

mp_autoteambalance_warning_delay 15 //Time after the teams become unbalanced
to print a balance warning.

tf_flag_caps_per_round "4"
tf_stats_track "1"

mapcyclefile "mapcycle.txt"

// Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0=unlimited, max=20000
sv_maxrate 30000
// Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0=unlimited, 4000=good to keep
dialup gamers off the server
sv_minrate 4000
// Maximum updates per second that the server will allow, increasing this
will take more cpu power, 100 is max
sv_minupdaterate 30
sv_maxupdaterate 120
sv_maxcmdrate 100
sv_mincmdrate 30
//fps_max 2000
net_maxfilesize 64

//exec listip.cfg
exec banned_user.cfg

sv_logsdir "logs"
log on

On 10/17/07, Nye Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> wow your mail client is a disaster.
> ------------------------------------
> hostname "my server"
> // sv_downloadurl "http://my.website.tf2.files/tf2";
> rcon_password "mysecret"
> sv_password ""
> sv_maxrate "35000"
> sv_minrate "10000"
> sv_maxupdaterate "200"
> sv_minupdaterate "20"
> sv_maxcmdrate "200"
> sv_lan "0"
> sv_alltalk "0"
> sv_pausable "0"
> sv_cheats "0"
> sv_consistency "1"
> sv_allowupload "1"
> sv_allowdownload "1"
> sv_timeout "300"
> sv_pure "1"
> sv_pure_kick_clients "1"
> mp_timelimit "25"
> // kick after 10 secs
> mp_idlemaxtime "10"
> mp_idledealmethod "2"
> On Wed, Oct 17, 2007 at 08:43:08PM +0200, Eirik Nilssen wrote:
> > --
> > [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> >
> > Would be nice if someone would share their server configg :-)> From:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: hlds_linux@list.valvesoftware.com> Subject: Re:
> [hlds_linux] How to configure the TF2 server?> Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007
> 18:30:47 +0200> > Excellent, thanks a lot.> > Steve S. wrote:> >
> orangebox/tf/cfg/server.cfg> >> > (you will need to create this file)> >> >
> If you want to know what all the possible veriables> >> > In the game server
> console type> >> > cvarlist mp> > cvarlist tf> > cvarlist sv> >> >> >> >> >>
> Hello list,> >>> >> My question is simple. Where are the configuration files
> for the tf2> >> server?> >> And where is the documentation for it?> >> Any
> help is greatly appreciated.> >>> >> Thanks in advance> >>> >> Oliver> >>>
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> > --
> >
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