At 08:46 PM 10/1/2008, Midnight wrote:
>Actually that part at the bottom is entirely wrong.
> > The key reason to run higher FPS is the render time. At 1000FPS, the
> > server is rendering one frame every 1 millisecond (ms). This means
> > that the worst-case adder to the player ping is only 1ms, IE: the
> > player gets more accurate data and can get it more often.
> >
> > At 300FPS it's only 3ms which is perfectly acceptable, but at 100FPS
> > it's 10ms, which is a significant percentage of a 100 ping (10%). A
> > player with a 100 ping would actually be getting 110ms response time
> > from the server.
>That is incorrect.  tickrate actually controls how much delay is added
>to ping time.  At 100 tickrate there will always be 10ms of ping added
>to the real DOS ping, regardless of how high the sys_tickrate/max_fps is
>so long as it is over 100.  This is becaues packets are going out 100
>times/second regardless of the server FPS.

That is incorrect. Maybe in game, but not certainly layer3..

>The higher FPS setting may help accuracy still, but it does not affect
>ping as indicated on that page.  Really though how many pixels do you
>think a player moves if the server is clocking at 3ms frames vs 1 ms
>frames?  Maybe a couple pixels?  The inaccuracy of the guns themselves
>is way larger than any movement of the player in that timespan - I
>haven't calculated out the exact pixel difference but I think we can all
>agree it is pretty small amount in 2ms of time.  That's why going from
>333 to 1000 FPS is essentially pointless.  The only thing it might might
>matter for is sniper/deagle, but even the pro's don't have pixel level

gettimeofday() is used to step time in the engine. The problem with 
gettimeofday is that its an ESTIMATE of wallclock time, and it's very 
sensitive to changes on the machine
it's running on. gettimeofday is archaic, nonstandard, imprecise, and 
valve should use clock_gettime() instead to do timing.


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  Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. 
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