Why? Can't he just do 'su steam' and then 'screen -r'?

Crazy Canucks wrote:
> Well if you do that, then you do need to change the permissions on the 
> tty.  That is what I do because my server is in my home, I am the sole 
> user, ssh can only be accessed from my lan, etc.  I use a small script 
> to accomplish the task.  I call it "steam_console" but obviously you can 
> call it whatever you wish.
> Mine is slightly different, but yours could look something like this:
> #!/bin/bash
> while [ -z "$user" ]
> do
>     echo "Please enter the user your screen session is running under:"
>     read user
> done
> echo "Here is a list of screen sessions avalable under that user name."
> su -c "screen -ls" $user
> while [ -z "$session_name" ]
> do
>     echo "Please enter a screen session name from the above list:"
>     read session_name
> done
> chmod 666 /dev/pts/*
> su -c "screen -r $session_name" $user
> chmod 620 /dev/pts/*
> exit 0
> This script will change the permissions on the contents of pts to allow 
> you to open a tty for the user your server is running under, then put 
> the permissions back the way they should be after.  Note that this is on 
> Debian Etch.  I don't know if the contents of the pts folder are 
> different on different distros, so you might want to check the contents 
> before you run the script and adjust the permisson in the second to last 
> line accordingly.
> However, if your server is in a public space and others have access to 
> it, you might not want to use this script.  You would be better off just 
> to log in as the user that your screen session runs under and do it that 
> way.
> Drek
> Jonass wrote:
>> Thank you for your responses.
>> I run effectively srcds with screen.
>> But for me I connect like this:
>> - I log into my user with SSH
>> - I do "su steam"
>> - Then I run the screen
>> And in this case, I can not see the screen with "screen -r" due to a 
>> problem with permissions.
>> Jonass
>> Mark - hlds list a écrit :
>>> Glad you posted on that, I re-read his post two or three times trying to 
>>> figure out why on earth he was saying to change the permissions like 
>>> that.  There is no reason whatsoever to do it if all you're wanting to 
>>> do is resume your screen session as the user who started it in the first 
>>> place...  so OP, _don't_ change the perms on pts, you'll be able to 
>>> 'screen -r' just fine, believe me.
>>> Crazy Canucks wrote:
>>>> Last time I mentioned something like that, I was told changing the 
>>>> permissions on your tty's was a bad idea.  If you log in and access your 
>>>> console as the same user that you started the screen session under, you 
>>>> shouldn't need to do that.
>>>> Drek
>>>> X-GameServer | Alexander Nurevski wrote:
>>>>> do you start the server in a screen ?
>>>>> If  "yes" do this:
>>>>> as root
>>>>> chmod -R 777 /dev/pts
>>>>> then switch to the user your server is installed under
>>>>> su XXXXXXX
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