Set sv_search_max_ping to a lower value, so you should find better servers.

2008/12/6 ics <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> This post is mostly about:
> - Finding a dedicated server when starting the game from a lobby is now
> faster and more reliable
> but i have something to say for those too who run servers, especially
> modded ones so i will post this here instead of useless steampowered ranting
> forums.
> After the update, i  and others have  constantly having issues with
> connecting to a proper servers. Either the new improved search system at
> lobby, which automatically selects the server where the players are thrown,
> is faulty or there isnt free servers at this area. Me and others keep
> getting into servers far away from us. To American, Australian and other
> countries. What is the reason why there could not be favorite servers that
> can be selected from lobby? Sort of like pre-reservation or something. Sure
> there is that "play on steamgroup server" but thats not enough. With that
> way i can only play with friends - if none are around, i get to go to random
> roulette and face the following issues:
> Some servers also seem to swap from normal to versus mode on the fly after
> first completed map in the campaign. Happened twice now in 2 different
> servers after the latest 2 updates. Not sure if this is caused somehow by
> those server settings or in-game bug.
> Another issue aimed to all of you who run modded servers - it is nice that
> you set up some plugin that filters players out according to their country.
> Now if i end up in US server and there is a filter on that does not allow me
> to get it (your country blablablaa is not allowed on this server), its
> somehow game breaking bug. Frustration to the max and i sure aint the only
> one who faces these errors. Another thing is ping kicker that some servers
> seem to have gotten on using some plugin. Very nice invention. It is likely
> that i would not play on these servers anyway but it is extreamly
> frustrating when you have nice group along from previous game and then new
> server is selected for another campaign -> booted and then someone else
> manages to join in to your place.
> One more issue that comes to my mind from versus mode problems are the
> servers that are using director_no_human_zombies 1 which means that half of
> the players will get message "human player limit exceeded 8/4". Sure there
> is that return to lobby vote option but thats not enough. Some people are
> already left the server due to this issue and it breaks the game. All
> servers using this cvar should be excluded from versus search. My suggesting
> would be sv_allow_versus cvar that would be checked upon reservation.
> Best (?) thing for everyone would be to exclude these "custom" plugin
> servers filtered out somehow from lobby server search or improve the system
> so we should not end up on servers far away at all where these problems come
> up.
> -ics
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