Hello there.

First of all, i love this mailinglist :D.

Second, please excuse my "i try my best"-english.

And third would be, i always wondered how "rcon stats" gets its output.
Im pretty sure it somehow connects to the /proc/$PID, but thats all i know.
Does someone have an precise idea on how it works?

Background is, im very very very close on holding the 1000FPS absolutely 
100% stable with 10 clients playing, but every 10-20 minutes there is a 
1second drop to 500FPS and that ruins all.

Its very important i can reconstruct this behavior but i'm simply missing 
the basic knowledge of CS 1.6 Engine.
Im using jiffies as clocksource and i have to figure out how the cs1.6 
engine calculates.

thanks for any help you can offer. 

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