>I was more curious is switching to a lower swappiness value (or even 0)
> would allow a Left 4 Dead server to run better or not?

You have the perfect configuration now. As Gary said, leaving applications 
in memory is exactly what you need for your latency-sensitve game server.

If you're already not using any appreciable amount of swap, then lowering 
the value would not make a difference for you, because the system would 
simply continue to not use swap.

Raising the value significantly would cause Linux to swap to disk more 
aggressively, which would lead to lesser-used L4D (and other application) 
memory being paged to disk and to a larger in-memory system-level disk 
cache. Level loads then might happen faster, but if someone were to join the 
server and cause L4D to touch some memory currently stored on disk (say, by 
moving to a part of the map that hadn't been seen in awhile), there would be 
a noticable delay while the system retrieved the on-disk page (Microsoft 
would call this a "hard fault"). In other words, the game would stutter.


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