At 06:07 PM 12/1/2009, Nephyrin Zey wrote:
>   I really dont want to get involved in this, but beware basically all
>the advice you're receiving (including mine). There's tons of BS
>regarding tickrate, RT kernels,, 'hit registration', and a
>bunch of other useless nonsense by people who really just are echoing
>what they read in that one old article about high FPS and what that one
>wiki says about linux kernel configuration.

I agree. You do not need RT kernels at all.. they are for real time 
systems, since gameservers estimate everything anyways
it's pointless to run a RT kernel on something that gives the best 
guess. The engine can only respond as fast as the users ping to and 
from the server, with socket latency etc..

>If I were you:
>Setup a kernel with hi res timers and a 300hz interrupt, enable HPET if
>your system doesn't have a stable TSC. Bind each srcds instance to a
>core. Set it to sched_fifo (sudo chrt -f -p 98 <pid>). Set fps_max to 0.
>Use host_profile 1 to watch effective FPS. Fill server. Play with other
>tweaks and compare them to your test case. Just because someone says
>that X or Y will make your server better dont believe it until you see
>it. net_graph 4 is the best measure of how well your server is doing. If
>its a solid graph with no gaps, getting 66/s updates, and low var, I
>would say its near perfect. Others might whine. Decide for yourself.

SCHED_RR gives the same latency as SCHED_FIFO, in my tests. Under 
load, this will be different, though. (send me a message and i'll 
send you some code)

>Miscellaneous nonsense:
>- On a system with hi res timers and TSC/HPET, sleep() will return
>independent of the interrupt timer, enabling 1000FPS to be hit
>regardless of system ticrate. In this case, a 1000hz interrupt timer
>will not have any effect, and possibly a negative one.

AFAIK select()/poll() on older kernels do not use hrtimers at all. 
Only nanosleep()/usleep() do. You don't need 1000hz anyways as that 
can cause cacheline pingpongs etc (Hurt NUMA performance)

>- On linux/tf2, the stats command calculates fps in a very useless
>manner. A single slow frame will make it show '40fps', while the
>engine's own internal counter (what you see in the green banner in those
>windows srcds windows) as well as host_profile disagree.
>- uses the stats command.
>- I've talked to and worked with many people and never seen a linux TF2
>server above 20 slots get 'stable' FPS, much less according to fpsmeter.
>I've seen many TF2 linux servers that perform very well and lag free.
>- RT kernels chug CPU like no tomorrow for very little benefit, vs FIFO
>scheduling and hi-res timers.
>- If your var is <10ms and your updaterate is stable 66, to hell with
>anyone whining about FPS (flamewar lol). Its worth noting that windows
>servers are tuned to run at 66fps originally. By valve. The 'booster'
>came later.
>- My linux TF2 servers are among the best stability in updaterate and
>var i've seen anywhere, yet many people have 'more stable FPS' than me.
>See previous point.
>- SourceTV is a massive buggy resource hog.
>- Anyone that brings up 'hit registration' probably doesn't know wtf
>they're talking about and read some old article about it with
>questionable logic.

As long as you run Low Latency in the kernel with little interrupt 
behavior, and without CPUspeed/ACPI Processor you should be 
okay.  Realtime kernels chug too much cpu because the scheduler has 
more overhead etc etc

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