At 10:15 AM 3/30/2011, Claudio Beretta wrote:
Is this trolling or just a naive question? :)

The server tickrate controls how many times per second the server updates
the world model and send data to players. higher tickrate means higher
precision in the simulation, lower ping, and more resilience to packet loss
(smaller time interval that the clients have to interpolate in case
something goes wrong). Tick 100 servers run noticeably better than tick 66
servers and blow away tick 33 servers.
The server fps controls how many times per second the server checks if it
should run a tick. Running the server at exactly fps == tickrate for
orangebox is great, but if you can't guarantee that you should run at at
least 2x the tickrate (running at 66 fps with a 66 tickrate means that that
the system will wake srcds every 15.15ms and compute a tick every time;
running at 67 fps means that the system wakes srcds every 14.92ms and
compute a tick most of the times, and then wait the 67th frame (other
14.92ms) doing nothing)
Client tickrate should match the server tickrate, and client fps should be
higher or matching client tickrate. Client fps are unrelated to server fps,
and may or may not be bound to the monitor refresh rate.
this is my (simplified) understanding of how the orangebox works, i'm not
claiming it is 100% exact but at least it makes sense :P

Your understanding was copy-and-pasted from that idiot that runs FPS meter. You cannot precisely have a simulation rate at 15.00ms. At 15.11ms it's still 15.00 due to rounding, and 14.95 is 15.00 because of rounding. VALVe games run just like Quake games, so fundamentally they operate in the same manner, even though prototypes are different etc.

It would be nice if everyone would simply just play the game at stock settings. Otherwise, you'll have 10,000 servers are running differently causing confusion to everyone, and perhaps widely varying results.

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