"its a known bug"

Every time I read this on those mailing lists, I start thinking: how many are 
there out there that are "known" and still wait for some solution. I know a 
couple I encountered myself/read here or on spuf or other places, and those I 
encountered I have reported, but only a very small amount of those are ever 
addressed. Its like a stopgap: only repairing what ppl are most complaining 
about... I often wonder if Valve is even running some form of a 
bug-tracking/prioritizing system.... and even if so, that they are assigned a 
priority level instead of the default "valve time" to solve.

Sure sure, I know the game is 4 years old, and still receives regular updates 
and I should be glad for that etc. But its their big cash earner, and those 
updates should therefore contain fixes for a bunch of the reported ones. I even 
wont start on the "promised" to fix stuff that never came so far, in spite 
being said months ago or even last year.

And in regards to this specific "known bug", it should be turned into a 
optional client sided "feature" in regards to the hats, paint and their effects 
individually. I really have no desire to see a Lime painted Dapper topper with 
some effect on it. Make it a graphical performance option.

>From: DarthNinja <hlds-...@darthninja.com>
>To: Half-Life dedicated Linux server mailing list 
>Sent: Sunday, 14 August 2011, 1:44
>Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] [TF2] Hats not appearing in some servers.
>Its a known bug that hats will sometimes not show until the second time a
>player hits a resupply cabnet.
>There's a sourcemod plugin by EHG that fixes that.
>This might be part of your problem with hats sometimes being visible.
>On Aug 13, 2011 7:37 PM, "Evan" <dumbd...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey everyone,
>> I was just wondering if anyone else is having a problem where some hats
>> not showing up for clients. Players are reporting that they cannot see a
>> lot of hats or other cosmetics on other players, but they can see them on
>> other server. I have search through the interwebs and found a lot of posts
>> about people wanting hats or the drop rate... nothing like this. I am not
>> sure if it is a client issue or a server one or if there is something I
>> do to fix it.
>> More info on when this is happening:
>> Some times I will see a hat that others cannot see and vise-versa. Some
>> times the hat will appear fine one second, then when the player dies and
>> re-spawns the hat is gone. The clients cannot see their own hats when they
>> taunt as well. I have updated the install with -verify-all in case maybe
>> for some reason the server was missing model and causing this issue, but
>> did not work. Any ideas?
>> --
>> Evan S.
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