Any clue if kicking players for high ping kills server reputation? I have
my high ping set to 200 and it kicks someone ever 30 minutes or so for high

What if someone joins the server and starts trolling instantly? Voice Spam,
Hacking, or something to that nature. Does banning them hurt server
reputation because they leave and their playing time wasn't up to the
positive reputation point?

What if the server is empty and someone joins and then leaves right away?

On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 1:59 PM, ics <> wrote:

> As i recall, it's ip-based so if one server running on port 27055 gets
> banned, all servers running that ip get banned too. So just changing port
> might reset your negative reputation score.
> Someone already mentioned - this reputation predates the server
> registering system about a year so most of the people who have been running
> server long time naturally have more reputation than the ones that just
> started. It doesn't really matter anyway, since the reputation is only
> there to make sure bad servers get bad rep and eventually banned from
> server pool so folks don't go into those bad servers anymore.
> -ics
> 25.11.2011 13:28, E3pO kirjoitti:
>  Looks to have something to do with ports for sure... The -700 server is on
>> the same IP as one that is now at +25 after some playing. They are port
>> 27015 and port 27016.
>> Definitively bound to server ip's port.
>> On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 6:21 AM, Asher Baker<>  wrote:
>>  On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 11:11 AM, Jeff Sugar<>
>>>  wrote:
>>>> Going back to the topic at hand: Good question as to what it is tied to.
>>>> One would think the IP would be at least partially involved, maybe it's
>>>> stored by both in case only the IP or only the token changes. I imagine
>>>> they want to make it difficult for servers which are legitimately doing
>>>> poorly (blacklisted or in the red due underhanded methods) to just wipe
>>> the
>>>> slate clean and begin the cycle again.
>>> Master server reputation (what this plugin shows) pre-dates the
>>> registration system, it's purely based on IP (and possibly port, bans
>>> are IP-only though).
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