;) Okay Valve, here we go!

2012/7/26 dan <needa...@ntlworld.com>

> On 26/07/2012 14:14, Giovanni Harting wrote:
>> how should the server know witch ping the client have to the server,
>> without
>> checking hundreds of servers with extra steps for client <> server
>> communication....
> The same way that I do before I join a server?
> The client gets a list (filtered by <50) (if none turn up, I close the
> game and find something else to do) and out of those servers I pick one
> that meets whatever other criteria I have.
> The only real difference appears to be that you have multiple clients in
> some kind of lobby affair. But their experience is going to suck if they've
> invited friends that aren't close in ping terms to them, so use the lobby
> leader's client to
> find the server.
> For me, the friends list doesn't really work as a way of adding people who
> I might want to play TF2 with and/or against, so I don't really see the
> point of worrying about it.
> I won't use it - and definitely not if their algorithms don't reject
> servers with high pings (where high is >50)
> Unless it was tied in well with steam groups perhaps, and you could have a
> looser knit of people joining a group who can then create a lobby and
> invite people from the group
> Something like that might work.
> I'm not sure why you'd want that in TF2, but I could see for some games,
> where you have leaderboards in game how silly the friends list is when used
> as a grouping, and how much better it would be if game devs
> used groups instead. TF2 duals, Portal 2 challenge times, Quantum
> conundrum times, lap times for racing games - these are good examples of
> where my friends list doesn't really work as a leaderboard, but groups
> might (especially if they could tie in event start / end time, so you could
> have 'fastest this week')
> I could envisage myself being part of a group, but I'm far too anti-social
> to start talking to other TF2 players and adding them to my friends list :)
> --
> Dan.
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