2013/4/1 Marcel <hlds_li...@vermasslt.de>

> Valve should disable this shell-like crap and concentrate on proper
> return codes and error handling so that the tool can be used in an
> autonomous environment.
> They will tell you, that you can use steamcmd also as commandline tool
(doesen't feel like this)
I know what do you mean. I'm using the updatetool from didrole, but have
never tested if I can install mods like DMC, TFC ...
They need special settings for downloading mods wich are using the hlds.
This is unusable with steamcmd. I think the Valve developers never use
thier own tool.
Please think more lilke users.

- posix compilant command line tool
- list with return codes for scripts

I hope didrole will update his tool. I don't want to switch back to
steamcmd. This tool have problems on some systems.
I can't trust steamcmd.

Oh and PLEASE: Let us download windows dedicated servers also with
> Linux. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who manages file
> distribution on linux.
I'm missing thix feature also. Why do I have to use wine for deploing
Windows dedicated servers?
There are some cases like rsync for windows or lftp (mirroring) to deploy
files on windows servers (maybe linux servers with wine).
But I never want to install wine on our imageserver!
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