So, FlaminSarge was telling me about this earlier this morning.

On TF2, the DynamicModels stringtable is a 2048-entry stringtable that
seems to be used to cache the models for equippable items and wearables
that are automatically precached when players equip them.

However, some servers have been reporting recently that players are
appearing with incorrect cosmetics including ones not for the class they're

According to FlaminSarge's testing, either the TF2 client or server is
doing a % 1024 on the DynamicModels index before accessing it.  Meaning
that while 0-1023 work as you'd expect, attempting to access elements
1024-2047 will actually give you elements 0-1023 instead.  Which is why
these items are being shown with the wrong models on clients.

It takes a while to store more than 1024 dynamic models, so it only really
happens if the server has been running the same map for a while, as
stringtables are reset on map change.

There are more details on the Source-1-Games GitHub bugtracker here:

Ross Bemrose (Powerlord)
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