>As you deduced, it is possible to spoof any SteamID you want and play
for a couple of minutes before the server kicks you.

No, it isn't. Steam authentication tickets are signed by Valve's servers.
You cannot craft a ticket containing any SteamID you want.

You can, however, subject the server to a replay attack by reusing another
user's authentication ticket. This allows users to play on your server with
whatever SteamID they borrowed for approximately 1-2 minutes until the
Steam server rejects them and the game server kicks them.

On the original topic, there's nothing invalid about that SteamID in the
OPs post:

08:29:18°pm (@VoiDeD) !sid [U:1:96295245]
08:29:45°pm (idler2) VoiDeD: STEAM_0:1:48147622 / [U:1:96295245] (UInt64 =
76561198056560973, IsValid = True, Universe = Public, Instance = desktop
(1), Type = Individual, AccountID = 96295245)
08:29:45°pm (idler2) VoiDeD: ‏ (
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198056560973/) (Last Online =
3/18/2015 1:11:21 AM, Last Offline = 3/18/2015 1:11:39 AM)

On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 8:12 PM, Bottiger <bottige...@gmail.com> wrote:

> We experienced this several months ago and reported it to Eric Smith
> but have not heard anything from him for a long time so we stopped
> sending him exploits like this.
> As you deduced, it is possible to spoof any SteamID you want and play
> for a couple of minutes before the server kicks you.
> We tried kicking or freezing people that didn't get verified within 30
> seconds but unfortunately this also happens frequently to normal
> players.
> On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 5:59 PM, Weasels Lair <wea...@weaselslair.com>
> wrote:
> > Wondering if any other admin's have seen this.
> >
> > Today I had a player join with a SteamID that I was unable to ban by ID.
> > From SourceMod I kept getting a message about waiting another 30 seconds
> > and trying again, because that SteamID was not verified (yet)?
> >
> > In the end, I resorted to fire-walling-off his source IP address for now.
> >
> > When I punched his SteamID3 (which was showing as "[U:1:96295245]") into
> > SteamIDConverter.com, it kept showing "unknown" for their SteamID64,
> > "[U:1:0]" for their SteamID3, and blank for their plain SteamID?
> >
> > So, I am thinking it is a completely bogus/fake/spoofed SteamID.
> >
> > He seemed to be able to play only for a few minutes at a time, before he
> > would get dropped from the server for having an invalid SteamID.
> > Basically, he was in-game long enough to hack (aimbot) and disrupt the
> game
> > (repeatedly).  He was able to just do that over and over, until I just
> > blocked his source IP address all-together.
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