The First Book of Divre Hayamim, starting at chapter 25

   {25:1} Moreover, David and the captains of the host set apart for
 the service certain of the sons of Asaf, and of Heman, and of Yedutun,
 who should prophesy with harps, with psalteries, and with cymbals: and
 the number of those who did the work according to their service was:
 {25:2} of the sons of Asaf: Zakkur, and Yosef, and Netanyah, and
 Asar'elah, the sons of Asaf, under the hand of Asaf, who prophesied
 after the order of the king. {25:3} Of Yedutun; the sons of Yedutun:
 Gedalyahu, and Tzeri, and Yesha`yah, Hashavyah, and Mattityah, six,
 under the hands of their father Yedutun with the harp, who prophesied
 in giving thanks and praising the LORD. {25:4} Of Heman; the sons of
 Heman: Bukkyahu, Mattanyah, `Uzzi'el, Shevu'el, and Yerimot, Hananyah,
 Hanani, Eliathah, Giddalti, and Romamti-ezer, Yoshbekashah, Mallothi,
 Hothir, Machzi'ot. {25:5} All these were the sons of Heman the king's
 seer in the words of God, to lift up the horn. God gave to Heman
 fourteen sons and three daughters. {25:6} All these were under the
 hands of their father for song in the house of the LORD, with cymbals,
 psalteries, and harps, for the service of the house of God; Asaf,
 Yedutun, and Heman being under the order of the king. {25:7} The
 number of them, with their brothers who were instructed in singing to
 the LORD, even all who were skillful, was two hundred eighty-eight.
 {25:8} They cast lots for their offices, all alike, as well the small
 as the great, the teacher as the scholar. {25:9} Now the first lot
 came forth for Asaf to Yosef: the second to Gedalyahu; he and his
 brothers and sons were twelve: {25:10} the third to Zakkur, his sons
 and his brothers, twelve: {25:11} the fourth to Itzri, his sons and
 his brothers, twelve: {25:12} the fifth to Netanyah, his sons and his
 brothers, twelve: {25:13} the sixth to Bukkyahu, his sons and his
 brothers, twelve: {25:14} the seventh to Yesar'elah, his sons and his
 brothers, twelve: {25:15} the eighth to Yesha`yah, his sons and his
 brothers, twelve: {25:16} the ninth to Mattanyah, his sons and his
 brothers, twelve: {25:17} the tenth to Shim`i, his sons and his
 brothers, twelve: {25:18} the eleventh to `Azar'el, his sons and his
 brothers, twelve: {25:19} the twelfth to Hashavyah, his sons and his
 brothers, twelve: {25:20} for the thirteenth, Shuva'el, his sons and
 his brothers, twelve: {25:21} for the fourteenth, Mattityah, his sons
 and his brothers, twelve: {25:22} for the fifteenth to Yeremot, his
 sons and his brothers, twelve: {25:23} for the sixteenth to Hananyah,
 his sons and his brothers, twelve: {25:24} for the seventeenth to
 Yoshbekashah, his sons and his brothers, twelve: {25:25} for the
 eighteenth to Hanani, his sons and his brothers, twelve: {25:26} for
 the nineteenth to Mallothi, his sons and his brothers, twelve: {25:27}
 for the twentieth to Eliathah, his sons and his brothers, twelve:
 {25:28} for the one and twentieth to Hothir, his sons and his
 brothers, twelve: {25:29} for the two and twentieth to Giddalti, his
 sons and his brothers, twelve: {25:30} for the three and twentieth to
 Machzi'ot, his sons and his brothers, twelve: {25:31} for the four and
 twentieth to Romamtiezer, his sons and his brothers, twelve.

   {26:1} For the divisions of the doorkeepers: of the Korchi,
 Meshelemyah the son of Kore, of the sons of Asaf. {26:2} Meshelemyah
 had sons: Zekharyah the firstborn, Yedi`a'el the second, Zevadyah the
 third, Yatni'el the fourth, {26:3} `Elam the fifth, Yehochanan the
 sixth, Elyeho`enai the seventh. {26:4} Obed-edom had sons: Shemayah
 the firstborn, Yehozavad the second, Yo'ach the third, and Sacar the
 fourth, and Netan'el the fifth, {26:5} `Ammi'el the sixth, Yissakhar
 the seventh, Peullethai the eighth; for God blessed him. {26:6} Also
 to Shemayah his son were sons born, who ruled over the house of their
 father; for they were mighty men of valor. {26:7} The sons of
 Shemayah: Othni, and Rephael, and `Oved, Elzavad, whose brothers were
 valiant men, Elihu, and Semachyahu. {26:8} All these were of the sons
 of Obed-edom: they and their sons and their brothers, able men in
 strength for the service; sixty-two of Obed-edom. {26:9} Meshelemyah
 had sons and brothers, valiant men, eighteen. {26:10} Also Hosah, of
 the children of Merari, had sons: Shimri the chief, (for though he was
 not the firstborn, yet his father made him chief), {26:11} Hilkiyah
 the second, Tevalyahu the third, Zekharyah the fourth: all the sons
 and brothers of Hosah were thirteen. {26:12} Of these were the
 divisions of the doorkeepers, even of the chief men, having offices
 like their brothers, to minister in the house of the LORD. {26:13}
 They cast lots, the small as well as the great, according to their
 fathers' houses, for every gate. {26:14} The lot eastward fell to
 Shelemyahu. Then for Zekharyah his son, a wise counselor, they cast
 lots; and his lot came out northward. {26:15} To Obed-edom southward;
 and to his sons the store-house. {26:16} To Shuppim and Hosah
 westward, by the gate of Shallecheth, at the causeway that goes up,
 watch against watch. {26:17} Eastward were six Levites, northward four
 a day, southward four a day, and for the store-house two and two.
 {26:18} For Parbar westward, four at the causeway, and two at Parbar.
 {26:19} These were the divisions of the doorkeepers; of the sons of
 the Korchi, and of the sons of Merari. {26:20} Of the Levites, Achiyah
 was over the treasures of the house of God, and over the treasures of
 the dedicated things. {26:21} The sons of La`dan, the sons of the
 Gershoni belonging to La`dan, the heads of the fathers' [houses]
 belonging to La`dan the Gershonite: Yechie'li. {26:22} The sons of
 Yechie'li: Zetham, and Yo'el his brother, over the treasures of the
 house of the LORD. {26:23} Of the `Amrami, of the Izharites, of the
 Hevroni, of the `Uzzi'eli: {26:24} and Shevu'el the son of Gershom,
 the son of Moshe, was ruler over the treasures. {26:25} His brothers:
 of Eli`ezer [came] Rechavyah his son, and Yesha`yah his son, and Yoram
 his son, and Zikhri his son, and Shelomit his son. {26:26} This
 Shelomit and his brothers were over all the treasures of the dedicated
 things, which David the king, and the heads of the fathers' [houses],
 the captains over thousands and hundreds, and the captains of the
 host, had dedicated. {26:27} Out of the spoil won in battles did they
 dedicate to repair the house of the LORD. {26:28} All that Shemu'el
 the seer, and Sha'ul the son of Kish, and Aviner the son of Ner, and
 Yo'av the son of Tzeru'yah, had dedicated, whoever had dedicated
 anything, it was under the hand of Shelomit, and of his brothers.
 {26:29} Of the Izharites, Kananyah and his sons were for the outward
 business over Yisra'el, for officers and judges. {26:30} Of the
 Hevroni, Hashavyah and his brothers, men of valor, one thousand seven
 hundred, had the oversight of Yisra'el beyond the Yarden westward, for
 all the business of the LORD, and for the service of the king. {26:31}
 Of the Hevroni was Yeriyah the chief, even of the Hevroni, according
 to their generations by fathers' [houses]. In the fortieth year of the
 reign of David they were sought for, and there were found among them
 mighty men of valor at Ya`zer of Gil`ad. {26:32} His brothers, men of
 valor, were two thousand seven hundred, heads of fathers' [houses],
 whom king David made overseers over the Re'uveni, and the Gadi, and
 the half-tribe of the Manashshi, for every matter pertaining to God,
 and for the affairs of the king.


   {27:1} Now the children of Yisra'el after their number, the heads of
 fathers' [houses] and the captains of thousands and of hundreds, and
 their officers who served the king, in any matter of the divisions
 which came in and went out month by month throughout all the months of
 the year--of every division were twenty-four thousand. {27:2} Over the
 first division for the first month was Yashov`am the son of Zavdi'el:
 and in his division were twenty-four thousand. {27:3} [He was] of the
 children of Peretz, the chief of all the captains of the host for the
 first month. {27:4} Over the division of the second month was Dodo the
 Achochi, and his division; and Miklot the ruler: and in his division
 were twenty-four thousand. {27:5} The third captain of the host for
 the third month was Benayah, the son of Yehoiada the [1>]Kohen[<1],
 chief: and in his division were twenty-four thousand. {27:6} This is
 that Benayah, who was the mighty man of the thirty, and over the
 thirty: and [of] his division was `Ammizavad his son. {27:7} The
 fourth [captain] for the fourth month was `Asa'el the brother of
 Yo'av, and Zevadyah his son after him: and in his division were
 twenty-four thousand. {27:8} The fifth captain for this fifth month
 was Shamhuth the Izrahite: and in his division were twenty-four
 thousand. {27:9} The sixth [captain] for the sixth month was `Ira the
 son of `Ikkesh the Tekoite: and in his division were twenty-four
 thousand. {27:10} The seventh [captain] for the seventh month was
 Heletz the Pelonite, of the children of Efrayim: and in his division
 were twenty-four thousand. {27:11} The eighth [captain] for the eighth
 month was Sibbekhai the Hushatite, of the Zarchi: and in his division
 were twenty-four thousand. {27:12} The ninth [captain] for the ninth
 month was Avi-Ezer the `Antotite, of the Binyamini: and in his
 division were twenty-four thousand. {27:13} The tenth [captain] for
 the tenth month was Maharai the Netofatite, of the Zarchi: and in his
 division were Twenty-four thousand. {27:14} The eleventh [captain] for
 the eleventh month was Benayah the Pir`atonite, of the children of
 Efrayim: and in his division were twenty-four thousand. {27:15} The
 twelfth [captain] for the twelfth month was Heldai the Netofatite, of
 `Otni'el: and in his division were twenty-four thousand. {27:16}
 Furthermore over the tribes of Yisra'el: of the Re'uveni was Eli`ezer
 the son of Zikhri the ruler: of the Shim`oni, Shefatyah the son of
 Ma`akhah: {27:17} of Levi, Hashavyah the son of Kemu'el: of Aharon,
 Tzadok: {27:18} of Yehudah, Elihu, one of the brothers of David: of
 Yissakhar, `Omri the son of Mikha'el: {27:19} of Zevulun, Yishma`yahu
 the son of `Ovadyah: of Naftali, Yeremot the son of `Azri'el: {27:20}
 of the children of Efrayim, Hoshea the son of `Azazyahu: of the
 half-tribe of Menashsheh, Yo'el the son of Pedayahu: {27:21} of the
 half-tribe of Menashsheh in Gil`ad, `Iddo the son of Zekharyah: of
 Binyamin, Ya`asi'el the son of Aviner: {27:22} of Dan, `Azar'el the
 son of Yerocham. These were the captains of the tribes of Yisra'el.
 {27:23} But David didn't take the number of them from twenty years old
 and under, because the LORD had said he would increase Yisra'el like
 the stars of the sky. {27:24} Yo'av the son of Tzeru'yah began to
 number, but didn't finish; and there came wrath for this on Yisra'el;
 neither was the number put into the account in the chronicles of king
 David. {27:25} Over the king's treasures was `Azmavet the son of
 `Adi'el: and over the treasures in the fields, in the cities, and in
 the villages, and in the towers, was Yonatan the son of `Uzziyah:
 {27:26} Over those who did the work of the field for tillage of the
 ground was `Ezri the son of Kelub: {27:27} and over the vineyards was
 Shim`i the Ramatite: and over the increase of the vineyards for the
 wine-cellars was Zavdi the Shifmite: {27:28} and over the olive trees
 and the sycamore trees that were in the lowland was Ba`al-Hanan the
 Gederite: and over the cellars of oil was Yo'ash: {27:29} and over the
 herds that fed in Sharon was Shirtai the Sharonite: and over the herds
 that were in the valleys was Shafat the son of `Adlai: {27:30} and
 over the camels was Ovil the Yishme`elite: and over the donkeys was
 Yechdeyahu the Meronotite: and over the flocks was Yaziz the Hagrite.
 {27:31} All these were the rulers of the substance which was king
 David's. {27:32} Also Yonatan, David's uncle, was a counselor, a man
 of understanding, and a [2>]Sofer[<2]: and Yechi'el the son of
 Hakhmoni was with the king's sons: {27:33} Achitofel was the king's
 counselor: and Hushai the Arki was the king's friend: {27:34} and
 after Achitofel was Yehoiada the son of Benayah, and Avyatar: and the
 captain of the king's host was Yo'av.



[1] {27:5} priest

[2] {27:32} scribe


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