Job, starting at chapter 4

   {4:1} Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered, 
 {4:2} "If someone ventures to talk with you, will you be grieved?
   But who can withhold himself from speaking?
 {4:3} Behold, you have instructed many,
   you have strengthened the weak hands.
 {4:4} Your words have supported him who was falling,
   You have made firm the feeble knees.
 {4:5} But now it has come to you, and you faint.
   It touches you, and you are troubled.
 {4:6} Isn't your piety your confidence?
   Isn't the integrity of your ways your hope?
 {4:7} "Remember, now, whoever perished, being innocent?
   Or where were the upright cut off?
 {4:8} According to what I have seen, those who plow iniquity,
   and sow trouble,
   reap the same.
 {4:9} By the breath of God they perish.
   By the blast of his anger are they consumed.
 {4:10} The roaring of the lion,
   and the voice of the fierce lion,
   the teeth of the young lions, are broken.
 {4:11} The old lion perishes for lack of prey.
   The cubs of the lioness are scattered abroad.
 {4:12} "Now a thing was secretly brought to me.
   My ear received a whisper of it.
 {4:13} In thoughts from the visions of the night,
   when deep sleep falls on men,
 {4:14} fear came on me, and trembling,
   which made all my bones shake.
 {4:15} Then a spirit passed before my face.
   The hair of my flesh stood up.
 {4:16} It stood still, but I couldn't discern its appearance.
   A form was before my eyes.
   Silence, then I heard a voice, saying,
 {4:17} 'Shall mortal man be more just than God?
   Shall a man be more pure than his Maker?
 {4:18} Behold, he puts no trust in his servants.
   He charges his angels with error.
 {4:19} How much more, those who dwell in houses of clay,
   whose foundation is in the dust,
   who are crushed before the moth!
 {4:20} Between morning and evening they are destroyed.
   They perish forever without any regarding it.
 {4:21} Isn't their tent cord plucked up within them?
   They die, and that without wisdom.'
 {5:1} "Call now; is there any who will answer you?
   To which of the holy ones will you turn?
 {5:2} For resentment kills the foolish man,
   and jealousy kills the simple.
 {5:3} I have seen the foolish taking root,
   but suddenly I cursed his habitation.
 {5:4} His children are far from safety.
   They are crushed in the gate.
   Neither is there any to deliver them,
 {5:5} whose harvest the hungry eats up,
   and take it even out of the thorns.
   The snare gapes for their substance.
 {5:6} For affliction doesn't come forth from the dust,
   neither does trouble spring out of the ground;
 {5:7} but man is born to trouble,
   as the sparks fly upward.
 {5:8} "But as for me, I would seek God.
   I would commit my cause to God,
 {5:9} who does great things that can't be fathomed,
   marvelous things without number;
 {5:10} who gives rain on the earth,
   and sends waters on the fields;
 {5:11} so that he sets up on high those who are low,
   those who mourn are exalted to safety.
 {5:12} He frustrates the devices of the crafty,
   So that their hands can't perform their enterprise.
 {5:13} He takes the wise in their own craftiness;
   the counsel of the cunning is carried headlong.
 {5:14} They meet with darkness in the day time,
   and grope at noonday as in the night.
 {5:15} But he saves from the sword of their mouth,
   even the needy from the hand of the mighty.
 {5:16} So the poor has hope,
   and injustice shuts her mouth.
 {5:17} "Behold, happy is the man whom God corrects.
   Therefore do not despise the chastening of the Almighty.
 {5:18} For he wounds, and binds up.
   He injures, and his hands make whole.
 {5:19} He will deliver you in six troubles;
   yes, in seven no evil shall touch you.
 {5:20} In famine he will redeem you from death;
   in war, from the power of the sword.
 {5:21} You shall be hidden from the scourge of the tongue,
   neither shall you be afraid of destruction when it comes.
 {5:22} At destruction and famine you shall laugh,
   neither shall you be afraid of the animals of the earth.
 {5:23} For you shall be allied with the stones of the field.
   The animals of the field shall be at peace with you.
 {5:24} You shall know that your tent is in peace.
   You shall visit your fold, and shall miss nothing.
 {5:25} You shall know also that your seed shall be great,
   Your offspring as the grass of the earth.
 {5:26} You shall come to your grave in a full age,
   like a shock of grain comes in its season.
 {5:27} Look this, we have searched it, so it is.
   Hear it, and know it for your good."


   {6:1} Then Job answered, 
 {6:2} "Oh that my anguish were weighed,
   and all my calamity laid in the balances!
 {6:3} For now it would be heavier than the sand of the seas,
   therefore have my words been rash.
 {6:4} For the arrows of the Almighty are within me.
   My spirit drinks up their poison.
 The terrors of God set themselves in array against me.
   {6:5} Does the wild donkey bray when he has grass?
 Or does the ox low over his fodder?
   {6:6} Can that which has no flavor be eaten without salt?
 Or is there any taste in the white of an egg?
   {6:7} My soul refuses to touch them.
 They are as loathsome food to me.
 {6:8} "Oh that I might have my request,
   that God would grant the thing that I long for,
 {6:9} even that it would please God to crush me;
   that he would let loose his hand, and cut me off!
 {6:10} Be it still my consolation,
   yes, let me exult in pain that doesn't spare,
   that I have not denied the words of the Holy One.
 {6:11} What is my strength, that I should wait?
   What is my end, that I should be patient?
 {6:12} Is my strength the strength of stones?
   Or is my flesh of brass?
 {6:13} Isn't it that I have no help in me,
   That wisdom is driven quite from me?
 {6:14} "To him who is ready to faint, kindness should be shown from
        his friend;
   even to him who forsakes the fear of the Almighty.
 {6:15} My brothers have dealt deceitfully as a brook,
   as the channel of brooks that pass away;
 {6:16} Which are black by reason of the ice,
   in which the snow hides itself.
 {6:17} In the dry season, they vanish.
   When it is hot, they are consumed out of their place.
 {6:18} The caravans that travel beside them turn aside.
   They go up into the waste, and perish.
 {6:19} The caravans of Tema looked.
   The companies of Sheba waited for them.
 {6:20} They were distressed because they were confident.
   They came there, and were confounded.
 {6:21} For now you are nothing.
   You see a terror, and are afraid.
 {6:22} Did I say, 'Give to me?'
   or, 'Offer a present for me from your substance?'
 {6:23} or, 'Deliver me from the adversary's hand?'
   or, 'Redeem me from the hand of the oppressors?'
 {6:24} "Teach me, and I will hold my peace.
   Cause me to understand wherein I have erred.
 {6:25} How forcible are words of uprightness!
   But your reproof, what does it reprove?
 {6:26} Do you intend to reprove words,
   since the speeches of one who is desperate are as wind?
 {6:27} Yes, you would even cast lots for the fatherless,
   and make merchandise of your friend.
 {6:28} Now therefore be pleased to look at me,
   for surely I shall not lie to your face.
 {6:29} Please return.
   Let there be no injustice.
   Yes, return again.
   My cause is righteous.
 {6:30} Is there injustice on my tongue?
   Can't my taste discern mischievous things?


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