On Tuesday 19 January 2010 18:7:32 Lockwood Morris wrote:
> Does anyone know if it is possible to prove the well-ordering theorem in
> HOL for an arbitrary type? That is, using the terminology of
> relationTheory,
>         ?R:'a->'a->bool. WF R /\ StrongLinearOrder R .

There is a proof in ProofPower (by Rob Arthan) in the document:


(the proof is not actually visible, but the sources can be downloaded).

so it will be provable in HOL.

> The only relevant information I have come across is Stewart Shapiro's
> statement, in Foundations without Foundationalism, that in set theory done
> with second-order logic, the well-ordering theorem does not follow from the
> axiom of choice, but I don't know what one can conclude for HOL from that.

The result in ProofPower does apply of course to a type SET which is the 
domain of an w-order axiomatisation of set theory (I often work in such a 

So one has to get right exactly what Shapiro is saying, and I haven't 
succeeded in finding the claim you mention.
Can you give me a page number?

Roger Jones

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