I understand exactly what you are looking for (or at least I think
   I do!) - a theorem prover with very clearly defined functionality,
   that automates what is "trivial" and does not automate what is not

Thanks, Mark, and that's exactly right.

   and that is easy to use, caters for all the classic styles of doing
   (symbolic) proof on paper and does not require months of training.

Yeah, and right now only one style: 2-column proofs that are common in
US high school Geometry courses, except I want rigorous proofs you get
from Hilbert's axioms, and not the ''when the going gets tough we'll
draw a picture and say it's obvious'' style going back to Euclid.
   I've had in mind for many years a design of a system that does
   exactly what you want

You don't have to implement your system to help me.  Maybe it's enough
to clarify what "trivial" means.  I should know by now, from writing
2300 lines of miz3 Hilbert axiomatic geometry code
but I don't.  Somehow my fuzzy idea is that the automation ought to
just be calculating how to use the the axioms and theorems I list to
prove the statements I want.  Uh, that didn't sound right!  Isn't any
proof like that?  If someone would run my code and watch MESON churn,
maybe they could clarify what "trivial" means.  

   I suppose a problem with using existing systems is that they are
   trying to do something different - to enable proofs to be proved
   with minimal amount of user effort.

I don't think that's the problem.  I think the problem is my practical
ignorance of FOL.  I haven't read John's purple book yet and
understood what he thinks a Mizar-like proof assistant in FOL is.

   And if this system is also a "serious" system involved in the
   formalisation of mathematics, and is highly trustworthy, then all
   the better.  You see such a system as being an excellent way of
   teaching students how to do proof.

Yes, particularly as the students may feel they are learning valuable
computer skills.  But I've actually learned a lot about my paper
I believe my proofs more because HOL Light checked them, and
formalizing the proofs clarified my thinking.  Here's the first thing
I learned, and I sure felt dumb when I figured it out.  

I. Combination
  7. Upon every straight line there exist at least two points, in
  every plane at least three points not lying in the same straight
  line, and in space there exist at least four points not lying in a

I translated this (restricting to one plane) as there 
∃ X Y Z:point . ¬∃ l: line. X ∈ l ∧ Y ∈ l ∧ Z ∈ l

Well, I was wrong!  We have to insist that X, Y, Z are distinct
points. Arguably that's what `at least three points' means.  If we use
my busted version of the axiom, then we can get a model of Hilbert
plane geometry with one point and no lines!  I've learned more
complicated things about my paper as well :)

   By the way, "malicious" proofs are not proofs that use a theorem
   prover's automatic facilities when they are not intended to be
   used.  Malicious proofs are proofs that deliberately take advantage
   of unsoundness (or other trustworthiness issues) in the theorem
   prover, to prove a fallacy, or to appear to prove a fallacy.

Thanks.  I suppose your unsoundness and my excessive power are related
ideas, but they're quite different too.

   your problem is that you don't know how powerful (in the automation
   dimension) each of the miz3 keywords is, so you wouldn't know which
   ones to include in your restricted set anyway.  For that you will
   have to search for documentation, read the miz3 code, or wait for
   someone who knows to answer because unfortunately I don't :)

That's right, Ramana, and Freek doesn't seem to know either, so
reading the miz3 code is probably quite difficult.  A while back Freek
said that miz3 has two pieces, HOLBY and MESON, and that HOLBY does
everything that Mizar does, and then MESON takes over (and you can see
this, because it churns numbers and prints "solved at"), so miz3 is
more powerful than Mizar!  That was very helpful of Freek, but I
posted that my very Mizar-like Tarski axiomatic geometry code where
MESON did quite a lot of work.  The first time I did this, Freek said
no, you have to curry your functions to get a miz3/Mizar comparison,
because MESON has to calculate all the pairs, so I uncurried every
function of mine, and still have pretty big MESON solved at numbers.


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