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                  Call for Papers

       Second Workshop on Validation Strategies for Software Evolution
(VSSE) 2013

           Rome, Italy, Saturday March 16th, 2013

       Affiliated with ETAPS 2013: http://www.etaps.org/2013/workshops13


VSSE focuses on the verification and testing of software changes and
Software is usually not written all at once, but is built incrementally for
several reasons:

- Maintenance - fixing errors and flaws, hardware changes, etc.
- Enhancements - new functionality, improved efficiency, extension, new
regulations, etc.

Changes are done frequently during the lifetime of most systems
and can introduce software errors that were not present
in the old version or expose errors that were present before
but did not get exercised.

In addition, upgrades are done gradually,
so the old and new versions have to co-exist in the same system.
This workshop addresses the issue of efficient and reliable verification
of system changes and upgrades by means of formal verification, analysis
and testing techniques.

The first VSSE took place in Tallinn, Estonia, in 2012, affiliated with
ETAPS 2012.
The program of VSSE 2012 consisted of invited talks by experts in this area.
Following the success of VSSE 2012, we decided to invite submissions to
VSSE 2013.

The workshop proceedings will be published in Electronic Notes in
Theoretical Computer Science series (ENTCS).

We encourage submission of work that addresses all aspects of formal
analysis, and testing of evolving software.

Paper submission:

All submitted papers should be in ENTCS format. For details, see:

There are two categories of submissions:

A. Regular papers.
Regular paper submissions should describe original and unpublished
work. Simultaneous submission to other conferences with proceedings or
submission of previously published material is strictly forbidden.
Regular papers should not exceed twelve (12) pages in ENTCS format – please
see the instructions at http://www.entcs.org/preliminary.html .
Submissions are accepted in electronic form (pdf), via
the easychair at


B. Presentation only.
Presentation-Only submissions can describe a previously published work or
a preliminary idea. Presentation-only submissions will be given a
slot in the workshop, but will not be published in the proceedings.
This is an opportunity to present an already published relevant work, or
to describe an interesting idea not yet ready for publication.
Presentation will not be considered as a publication, so submission of
published or submitted results is allowed and encouraged.
If you are working on the validation of changes and upgrades
and plan to attend ETAPS, please consider submitting your
presentation to the workshop.
Presentation-only submissions can be either a two-pages abstract (pdf), or
a presentation (PowerPoint or pdf).


Important dates:

Submission deadline:   December 20, 2012
Author notification:   January 20, 2013
Camera-read version:   January 30, 2013
Workshop:           March 16, 2013


Workshop chair: Hana Chockler (ha...@il.ibm.com)

Organizing committee:

Hana Chockler, IBM Research
Daniel Kroening, Oxford
Natasha Sharygina, USI
Leonardo Mariani, UniMiB
Giovanni Denaro, UniMiB

Program committee:

Hana Chockler, IBM Research
Giovanni Denaro, University of Milano Bicocca
Alastair Donaldson, Imperial College, London
Daniel Kroening, Oxford
Shuvendu Lahiri, Microsoft Research
Leonardo Mariani, University of Milano Bicocca
Fabio Massacci, University of Trento
Ali Muhammad, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Manuel Oriol, ABB Corporate Research
Alessandro Orso, Georgia Institute of Technology
Bastian    Schlich, ABB Corporate Research
Ondrej Sery, Charles University in Prague
Natasha Sharygina, University of Lugano
Ofer Strichman,    Technion
Tanja Vos, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
Michael    Wahler, ABB Corporate Research
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