Hello John,

On 04/11/2012 03:48, John Nicol wrote:
> Never figured out why
> real#real is a different type than real*real (they're both just tuples,
> right?), but I digress.

Unless I'm missing something, real*real is the OCaml notation for a pair 
of reals, whereas real#real is the HOL Light notation.
There is no 'real*real' type in HOL Light as * is parsed as the times 

> 4. Eventually I was able to prove that the cardinality of {3} was 1,
> which I thought should be trivial from something like SET_TAC, but
> apparently not.  It involved CONJ_TAC, REWRITE_TAC[FINITE_SING], and
> some other stuff I've forgotten, but it worked.
> 5.  I still can't prove that the cardinality of {3,4} is 2.
 > [...]
> I guess my questions are:
> 1.  It can't really be this hard, can it?  What am I missing?

I have also experienced some pain trying to achieve simple calculations 
for sets in HOL Light (to the point where I chose to change my 
formalisation to using lists).

Unfortunately, to my knowledge, HOL Light only provides SET_TAC as an 
automated tactic for sets, which is often insufficient for such 

I tried this particular example and came up with a proof based on 
CARD_CLAUSES, assuming you have already proven the cardinality of a 
singleton set, ie. CARD {4} = 1:

g `CARD {4} = 1 ==> (CARD {3,4} = 2)`;;
[REWRITE_TAC[FINITE_RULES;FINITE_INSERT]]);; (* You need finiteness to 
reason about cardinality. *)

I'm sure there are others that can suggest better proofs.

More generally it might be easier to build small lemmas to help reason 
about such computations more easily, such as:

let CARD_SING = prove ( `!a:A . CARD {a} = 1`, REWRITE_TAC[ONE;MATCH_MP 

At least for me it has been standard practice to build my own little 
libraries of lemmas to make reasoning about a particular theory easier 
and more tailored to my needs.

> 2.  Is there a way to rewind in the goal stack if I do something dumb,
> or do I have to just redeclare my goal?

You can use:
which stands for "back".

> 3.  Is there some basic tactic that I could use for trivial problems to
> say, "try everything possible and then tell me what tactics solved
> this".  I thought that's what things like MESON_TAC were for, but I'm
> not sure any more.  Would I need to wire in an automated theorem prover
> or something?

There are some automated tactics for particular sets of problems such as 
general than MESON_TAC.

More generally, it takes some experience and going through the existing 
lemmas and tactics (eg. through 
http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~jrh13/hol-light/reference_220.html) to become 
accustomed to what you can use in each case.

> 4.  Are there any simpler examples than what's in the Examples/ directory?

You may find it useful to inspect individual files containing the 
theories you are interested in, such as sets.ml.

They usually include general lemmas and you can understand a lot about 
how theories can be developed in HOL Light.

You can expand packaged proofs to step-by-step tactics using Tactician:

Hope this helps.



Petros Papapanagiotou
CISA, School of Informatics
The University of Edinburgh

Email: p.papapanagio...@sms.ed.ac.uk

  The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
  Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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