Mark, thanks for explaining my irregular syntax (how do I learn I can't mix 
symbolic and alpha-numeric characters?), and that HOL Zero precedence is 
similar to HOL Light's.  I have a SWAP_FORALL_THM question an a vote for miz3.  
I got this tactics proof to work, but I don't know why it does:

let ReachableInvariant = prove
 (`!p p'. reachable p p'  ==>  oriented_area p = oriented_area p'`,

This tactics script requires other things to run, but my problem doesn't 
involve them, I think.  Writing this interactively I see that 
SIMP_TAC[SWAP_FORALL_THM] performed the goal reduction  

`!p p' n. reachableN p p' n ==> oriented_area p = oriented_area p'`

`!n p p'. reachableN p p' n ==> oriented_area p = oriented_area p'`

That's what I wanted, because now INDUCT_TAC gives me induction on the variable 
n.   But I don't know why that happened.  I would have thought that 
SWAP_FORALL_THM would take switch the variables p and p' instead:
val it : thm = |- !P. (!x y. P x y) <=> (!y x. P x y)

This tactics script I think shows the value of miz3.  I was only able to write 
this, I think, after having already written the following miz3 proof, which is 
much longer but was much easier to write.  I've only read up to page 68 of the 
HOL Light tutorial, and I don't quite understand what these tactics do, or how 
to set up a tactics proof.  But I knew it could be done, and "in spirit" how 
the proof would go, so I was able to hunt through to find what I 


let ReachableInvariant = thm `;
  let p p' be (real#real)#(real#real)#(real#real);
  assume reachable p p'                 [H1];
  thus oriented_area p = oriented_area p'

    consider P such that 
    P = \n. ! p p'. reachableN p p' n  ==>  oriented_area p = oriented_area p'  
    P 0     [P0] by Pdef, reachableN_CLAUSES; 
    ! n. P n ==> P (SUC n)
      let n be num;
      assume P n;
      ! p p'. reachableN p p' n  ==>  oriented_area p = oriented_area p'     
[nStep] by -, Pdef;
      ! r r'. reachableN r r' (SUC n)  ==>  oriented_area r = oriented_area r'
        let r r' be (real#real)#(real#real)#(real#real);
        assume reachableN r r' (SUC n);
        consider q such that 
        reachableN r q n /\ move q r'     [qExists] by -, reachableN_CLAUSES;
        oriented_area r = oriented_area q   /\  oriented_area q = oriented_area 
r'     by -, nStep, MOVE_INVARIANT;
      qed     by -;
    qed     by -, Pdef;
    ! n. P n     [allPn] by -, P0, Pdef, num_INDUCTION;
    consider n such that 
    reachableN p p' n     by H1, ReachLemma;
  qed     by -, Pdef, allPn;

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