On 15/01/13 20:13, Bill Richter wrote:

> In HOL Light vectors, there's something like type quantification,
> and I thought that wasn't possible in HOL.

> First, I could not find an HOL4 analogue of HOL Light vectors. The
> basic idea seems to be that to define the type operator ^ which
> yields the type real^3 which denotes vectors in R^3, 3 must be a
> type, and somehow it must be a type with exactly 3 elements, ...

This is possible in HOL4, using the same “finite cartesian products” approach as
in HOL Light.  See p84 of the HOL4 Description manual (available at
our approach is ported from HOL Light’s.  There was a paper by John Harrison at
TPHOLs 2005 describing how it all works.

> In practice this "type quantification" seems to amount to including
> type annotations that I'd think weren't needed, as in the same page
> of the tutorial. So type_of tells us that vector[&1;&2;&3]: real^3
> has type real^3, but vector[&1;&2;&3] has type real^?185046.

> Surely the type should be real^3, even if we don't specifically
> annotate, right? Because the list has length 3? But that's not what
> the definition vector above says! It says to feed in a list l and
> apparently a type annotation as well. I think that's pretty
> interesting, and I'd like to know more.

Type inference can’t tell that the argument [1;2;3] has length 3; all it can
deduce is that this is indeed a list of numbers.


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