Le 16.04.13 00:55, Bill Richter a écrit :
> Vince, thanks for fixing my error!  This works now:
> let parse_qproof s = (fst o parse_preterm o lex o explode) (String.sub s 1 
> (String.length s - 1));;
> Now I get the same output for both
> `;&1 + 1`;;
> and, with your new quotexpander,
> `'&1 + 1`;;
> val it : preterm =
>    Combp
>     (Combp (Varp ("+", Ptycon ("", [])),
>       Combp (Varp ("&", Ptycon ("", [])), Varp ("1", Ptycon ("", [])))),
>     Varp ("1", Ptycon ("", [])))
> That's great you're changing your Q-like module right now to use the parser 
> instead of strings.
I'll do it if the new preterm parser gets integrated in HOL Light.
> Let me be more precise about environments, or as precise as I can be with my 
> poor understanding of how words like scope and variable binding are used in 
> HOL.  Let's say in HOL Light that a free variable occurrence is in the scope 
> of a variable binding.  I think the variable is given the bound value, if we 
> type it correctly, but its type is not inferred.
Could you give an example?

Vincent ARAVANTINOS - PostDoctoral Fellow - Concordia University, Hardware
Verification Group

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