>From what I remember, camlp5 and ocaml versioning is a nightmare... (though
it may be that HOL Light is a particularly strenuous application for it).
One might find Alex Krauss's approach useful:
http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=29220282, if going at
the pa_j.ml file doesn't hack it one day.

On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 2:07 PM, Rob Arthan <r...@lemma-one.com> wrote:

> On 14 Oct 2013, at 12:53, Rob Arthan <r...@lemma-one.com> wrote:
> > Can anyone help me with building HOL light? I get the following when I
> run make:
> >
> > File "pa_j.ml", line 1918, characters 35-43:
> > While expanding quotation "str_item":
> > Parse error: antiquot "_" or antiquot "" or [ident] expected after
> 'type' (in
> >  [str_item])
> > Error while running external preprocessor
> > Command line: camlp5r pa_lexer.cmo pa_extend.cmo q_MLast.cmo 'pa_j.ml'
> > /var/folders/8_/t3z32dh14tzfb_4lvdq8q5fr0000gn/T/ocamlppbd42df
> >
> > I am using ocaml version 4.01.0 and camlp5 version 6.11 and svn rev 174
> of the HOL light source.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Rob.
> By comparing the camlp5 source with pa_j.ml, I got it and then HOL Light
> to compile. I can provide a patch if anyone wants it, but it still gives
> warnings,  so it really needs attention from someone who understands it. It
> seems a shame that this involves so much copy/paste/tweak re-use of the
> camlp5 source.
> Regards,
> Rob.
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