On Fri, 21 Mar 2014 09:13:41 +0000
Andrew Butterfield <andrew.butterfi...@scss.tcd.ie> wrote:

> Is this  the document  kanananaskis-9-logic.pdf?
> If it is, I have a query:  in Sec 1.1 Introduction (p9)  we are shown
> some properties
> One is *Inhab* : U does not contain empty sets - fair enough
> Another is *Pow*  which says that if X is in U, then so is P(X) =
> { Y : Y subseteq X } To me this implies that P(X) may (will) contain
> the empty set as an element.
> Is this a correct interpretation of the consequences of these rules?

First of all, this is rather unrelated to the topic of this thread,
so I am starting a new thread as I think you should have done.

To answer your actual question, the fact that PX is in U and the empty
set is in PX does not imply that the empty set is in U.  In the usual
language of ZF/ZFC, U is not assumed to be transitive.  Indeed, the next
page shows an explicit construction of U in ZFC.

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