Call for Papers

                            ISABELLE WORKSHOP 2016
                           August 25-26, 2016, Nancy

                                Associated with
        Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP 2016)

This informal workshop will again bring together Isabelle users and
developers. Participants are invited to present their research and projects,
including applications of Isabelle, internal developments, add-on tools, and
reports on work in progress. If you have missed the ITP deadline, this is an
excellent oppotunity to announce to the world your proof of the XYZ Theorem
or present some nifty new proof procedure!

The worshop will include demonstrations of recent Isabelle devlopments.
There will also be opportunities to discuss issues of interest to the
Isabelle community.

Please submit a paper (or extended abstract) of up to 20 pages. It will be
reviewed informally and accepted papers will be made available on the workshop
home page. There are no formal proceedings.

Submission site:

Important Dates:

       * Submission deadline:        June 19
       * Notification of acceptance: July 1
       * Workshop:                   August 25 (afternoon) and 26 (morning)

Organisers: Tobias Nipkow, Larry Paulson and Makarius Wenzel

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