Hello everyone,

I am currently learning HOL-Light and therefore working through the 
tutorial from the official page.[1]
To get a feeling for the inductive definitions, I started a 
formalization similar to the semantics on page 109.
My problem is that when I try to define some small step semantics I get 
a failure saying that I have some unbound free variables, but I cannot 
resolve this failure.

My formalization:

let exp_INDUCT, exp_REC= define_type
   "exp = Var num
   | Const real
   | Plus exp exp
   | Sub exp exp
   | Mult exp exp
   | Div exp exp";;

let exp_eval_SIMPS = define
   `(exp_eval (Var x) E = E x) /\
   (exp_eval (Const r) E = r) /\
   (exp_eval (Plus e1 e2) E = (exp_eval e1) E + (exp_eval e2) E) /\
   (exp_eval (Sub e1 e2) E = (exp_eval e1) E - (exp_eval e2) E) /\
   (exp_eval (Mult e1 e2) E = (exp_eval e1) E * (exp_eval e2) E) /\
   (exp_eval (Div e1 e2) E = (exp_eval e1) E / (exp_eval e2) E)`;;

let bexp_INDUCT, bexp_REC = define_type
   "bexp = leq exp exp
         | less exp exp";;

let bval_SIMPS = define
   `(bval (leq e1 e2) (E:num->real) = (exp_eval e1 E) <= (exp_eval e2 E)) /\
   (bval (less e1 e2) E = (exp_eval e1 E) < (exp_eval e2 E))`;;

let cmd_INDUCT, cmd_REC = define_type
   "cmd = Ass num exp cmd
        | Ite bexp cmd cmd
        | Nop";;

let upd_env_simps1 = define
   `upd_env (x:num) (v:real) (E:num->real) =(\y. if y = x then v else E 

let sstep_RULES,sstep_INDUCT,sstep_CASES = new_inductive_definition
   `(!x e s E v. exp_eval e E = v ==> sstep (Ass x e s) E s (upd_env x v 
E)) /\
   (! c s t E. bval c E = true ==> sstep (Ite c s t) E s E) /\
   (! c s t E. bval c E = false ==> sstep (Ite c s t) E t E)`;;

When loading the sstep definitions I get the following failure:
     Exception: Failure "new_definition: term not closed".

Can someone maybe help me figuring out where this failure comes from?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


[1]: https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~jrh13/hol-light/tutorial.pdf

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