Hi Chun Tian,

 For your Label type the most appropriate primitive type would be
sums (co-products). These are formalized in sumTheory, so you
could look at that if  you are interested. However, I think you might
lose some clarity in your formalization by using them.


On Mon, Oct 9, 2017 at 8:07 AM, Chun Tian (binghe) <binghe.l...@gmail.com>

> Hi again,
> For example, if I use pairTheory to represent my Label type, something
> like:
> val _ = type_abbrev ("Label", ``'b # bool``);
> val _ = overload_on ("name", ``\s. (s, T)``);
> val _ = overload_on ("coname", ``\s. (s, F)``);
> then retrieving the underlying names is simply the FST of the pair, and
> relabeling operation is inverting the SND of pairs.  Is this idea
> recommended? (although I see no benefits other than shorter generated
> theory files)
> Regards,
> Chun Tian
> On 9 October 2017 at 13:58, Chun Tian (binghe) <binghe.l...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was having the following two Datatype definitions for representing
>> "labels" and "actions" in transition systems like CCS/LTS:
>> val _ = Datatype `Label = name 'b | coname 'b`;
>> val _ = Datatype `Action = tau | label ('b Label)`;
>> But yesterday, after my thesis work has been committed into HOL's example
>> directory, I suddenly realized: isn't the "Action" type a perfect case to
>> use HOL's optionTheory? that is, using NONE as tau (invisible action), and
>> SOME for all others:
>> val _ = type_abbrev ("Action", ``:'b Label option``);
>> val _ = overload_on ("tau", ``NONE :'b Action``); (* NONE is invisible
>> (tau) *)
>> val _ = overload_on ("label", ``\(l :'b Label). SOME l``);
>> optionTheory provided already the induction, nchotomy, one_one, ...
>> theorems, so all I need to do is to use INST_TYPE to convert them into
>> theorems for my fake "Action" type, e. g.
>> (* Define structural induction on actions
>>    |- ∀P. P tau ∧ (∀L. P (label L)) ⇒ ∀A. P A
>>  *)
>> val Action_induction = save_thm (
>>    "Action_induction", INST_TYPE [``:'a`` |-> ``:'b Label``]
>> option_induction);
>> So I've made the changes, and it works amazingly well.  Isn't this too
>> perfect?
>> P. S. Is there any existing "simple" type in HOL such that I can prevent
>> using Datatype for defining the "Label" type?
>> Regards,
>> Chun Tian
>> University of Bologna (Italy)
> --
> Chun Tian (binghe)
> University of Bologna (Italy)
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